Best players of non-fighting video games?

For the top LoL players check out Shushei, Double Lift, HotShotGG, Reginald, Dan Dinh, Chauster, Salce, and Elementz.

Don’t waste time with league, dota 2 is much more exciting to watch and way less brain dead, I was stuck playing league and HoN waiting for that dota2 for way too long.

Top shmup players:

WoW PvP is actually really, really in depth. I never got into it myself but there is a lot of knowledge as well as skill required to be good at it. Having been involved in more than one genre of competitive gaming, it is sad to see that people in one genre can be so ignorant to another one.

Having said that, I’m going to risk posting the best Halo players in the world even though SRK prolly sees Halo as a non competitive game, just as most Halo players see fighting games as button mashers.

If you are interested in halo at all look up:

Ogre 2

Death Smiles Black Label
*Clover-TAC - Windia - 14.871.459.870 *

  • Dame K.K - Casper - 12.692.773.614 *
  • Yusemi-SWY - Follett - *
  • Take no Kobukuro - Rosa - 11.246.780.769 *
  • Oroshi - Sakura - 13.821.010.602*


Isn’t Mew2king like the best at Smash Brawl, or something?

I’m a BEAST at Angry Birds and Crossword Puzzles.

No one can rival my Sudoku mastery.

They are all Japanese players.
Western games might not be that popular, there is always at least 1 Japanese guy who has dedicated his entire adult life to mastery of that game. They are so good at the games that they are banned from competing in any way shape or form. Since they break the game so hard, they are under strict non disclosure agreements from the game and console makers to not divulge their secrets. In exchange, they get a lifetime of white rice and green tea plus room and board in the top secret, nuclear fallout gamer bunker where all the top talent lives. This means their God like replays are only available on meticulously kept mini disk collections in a deep underground vault. Once a decade, a Chinese ex patriot will manage to smuggle one out in his rectum and sell it in the Shanghai black market, where they often used as a kind of “super currency” used to broker deals between billion dollar corporations and as prizes in international blood sport tournaments.

Im a pinball wizard…


Dunno if he’s the best, but Nore139 pretty much destroys anything he touches.

Shit he’s destroyed:
[]Tales games
]LoZ games
[]KH games

There’s no such thing as “destroying RPG games”. Any child can do that, as long as it knows how to read.

Pretty impressive. The vast majority of people have trouble getting past the first level of some of those games. Or cannot, ever.


24/7 charity over several days was cool. Video Game speed runs. All kinds of games, different players.

Blindfolded NES Mike Tyson’s Punchout 1 was pretty cool. He did it on 1 or 2 opponents.


Megaman X6–This guy:


i am the best at theme hospital which is the best game therefore i am the best gamer

Prove it.

I said wow after watching the featured video on that channel, and not for a good reason.


Steve Wiebe has Donkey Kong on lock-down!!! #FuckBillyMitchell

I’m the best FF9 player… Fuck the rest.
And if my word about it means anything…
In one play through, total time 23 hours.
Got the Excalibur 2, beat Atomos and Ozma, got every ability, got all party up to level 99, got all weapons, armor, and accessories, Stellazio quest, Monster Arena, all key items, and got every card.
The only thing I didn’t do back then was max Gil… but everything else in the entire game was completed in under 24 hours.

This. Ordonez went all the way to finishing 2nd in class at the Le Mans 24 Hours last year (and went 8th in class this year) and finished 1st in class in this years 24 Hours of the Nurburgring (teamed with Polyphony’s Kazunori Yamauchi).

Where in my post did I say RPG games?

Last time I checked those games weren’t just plain ol’ “RPG games”.

But you’re also an idiot.

…Since when?