I’m looking for some official Nintendo Gamecube controllers. However I’m having some trouble tracking them down. Anyone know good places (online or off) that have them for cheap (or as cheap as possible).
If it’s for the Wii then the Official White Gamecube Controller, only sold in Japan, but available here and here.
Well not necessarily the white ones, although they seem nice.
Is it the same as this? I might just get it from here as I have some credit.
Didn’t know Amazon also sells them, but they’re the same.
i have a silver one for 10 shipped!
From where?
I’d recommend the newer white one. The 3 meter cord is exceptionally convenient.
I see them at gamestop for around 15 bucks, I’m always in search of a wavebird.
They’re all used and the old ones, right? $15 sounds awfully cheap, especially for the new white ones.
Garage Sales.
Just go on amazon.com, plenty of new/used ones at decent prices.
Also e-bay like these here:
Those ebay controllers are counterfeits.
Yeah those are third party controllers.
I guess Amazon is my best bet at this moment.
Try pawn shops or even thrift stores. I saw a Gamecube controller at a thrift store for $5 not long ago. We also have this pawn shop chain called Cash Converters and I go dig through their SNES stuff looking for win since they have a flat price on old games. Anyways every store has stacks of GameCube controllers but I didn’t even look at the price. They’re around. Oh yeah, Craigslist.
I just got back from Ross and saw a bunch of MadCatz ones for $4.99
Garage sales are good, but I’d recommend trying your local Trade Center. The places are absolutely everywhere, and I’m sure you’ll find a video game booth. One guy at my local trade centers has a ton of 'em, when I went there yesterday. Used, so I don’t know the condition, but just look around in places like that, you’ll be sure to find some.
Yeah that too. I work at a thrift store, we get gamecube controllers on the regular. Occasionally we get wavebirds as well. (It’s where I got the japanese CPS Fighter Stick as well)
honestly go to play-asia and buy yourself that white one. you may spend a bit more than the madcatz, or the chinese no-brand ripoff. its a better investment you wont regret it.
used GCN controllers maybe used, or have some sticky/stiff buttons which might be off putting.
breaking in a new controller is totally worth it.
For some reason 3rd party GC controllers are always the worst pieces of shit ever made, and I’m not just talking about aesthetics or comfort. They just don’t work right. Period.
Well, as someone who had Gamecube when it was a year old I can tell you the default Gamecube controller was pretty much shit to begin with (As far as overall design goes, operation was reliably shitty).