Best Normals in the Game

Isn’t that a really difficult buffer since cannon drill and SDS are overlapping? It almost seems like there’s nothing to really buffer in. After you hit rh, you’re just pretty much doing qcf, qcf from neutral while holding down the rh.

standing rh can’t chained into cannon drill. it can only be chained into SDS.

Did you mean canceled into cannon drill cause I thought chaining in this game was a normal that canceled into another normal? I know you can’t cancel Cammy’s s.rh into a drill but you can’t really buffer in any joystick motions either. It’s just pretty much hit s.rh at neutral, hold it, and do qcfx2+k. Like if you wanted to whiff punish with s.fierce which has less range or which has less reel stun, you could do qcf+fierce, qcf+k and that’d be hit confirmable easy right?

edit: starting fighting games this late into fighting game development is a pain in the ass -_-

Another very good jumping attack is Terry’s j.fp. It beats chun’s CLEAN every single time and has massive priority tacked on. I don’t really think I’ve ever seen it lose, only trade.

can you pass the “random block test” with cammy rh eric? im pretty sure you cant

bison’s jump mp should probably tie with rolento’s. totally different uses, both are bs moves

hibiki gets an honorable mention (gigantic range, knocks down)

beni gets an honorable mention (single best “priority” move in the game)

while i’m here, i’ll do worst moves too:

…king has all of them

(ok fine she has some good anti airs)

What do you consider “passing?” I got it up to 70%…almost. 34 out of 50 hits w/rh into super w/random guard on.

I suppose my initial claim was based on the fact that in game it feels a lot easier…but that’s anticipation and knowing your opponent as opposed to a strictly random hit. Still, though…I can see myself getting better at it if I practiced it…but the majority of supers in game are off less random occurrences, so I don’t see the practicality in trying to perfect it at this point.

I’d say Morrigan’s far s.MP is pretty damn good. +4, hella good range, cancellable, 4 frame startup. Probably one of the best s.MPs for poking, too bad it does shit for damage. I’d still put it (waaay) under Chun’s though. Her jumping HP is also really buff.

Exactly…this whole thread is one big tangent. I agree with you on there. Was this thread an excuse to demonstrate frame data knowledge? This will only confuse new people even more and now, instead of asking “are supers RC’able??? I dunno cuz it’s already been answered 5 times,” they’ll be like “why isn’t Athena top tier? She has the best”

What’s the point in “demonstrating” frame data knowledge if there’s a guidebook that tells you all of it? This is a chance to learn about normals you may not know about. An example is I know almost nothing about Iori so people saying Iori’s s.lp can’t be ducked is very vital for me to know. I also know nothing about morrigan, hibiki (wtf, knocks down?), king and most A-Groove top tier characters in general cause I don’t play A. I never knew why King sucked so bad so I just followed along, but it seems like she’s bad cause her normals just aren’t good by what people say.

I don’t get why you’re so abrasive over simple discussion of this game. It’s not like anybody’s talking shit or anything and it’s a good compilation of knowledge so people can learn. This topic isn’t even a tier list, it’s just an overview of normals that make certain characters stronger. and are hilaaaarious


Threads like this are great. Wish I knew something special about some normals to contribute, but thanks for the time investment from people who do.

How about best command normals?

i dont know if its a command normal, but todo’s fucking running crouching mk (i think?) that knocks you down is goddamn annoying.

if i had to choose a number 1 best normal in the game evar it would have to be cammy’s s.hp. the shit is an option select throw/super combo without even trying and gives +10 up close. holy cheapness batman!

My favorite command normal definitely has to be Raiden’s belly flop. It has really good priority, a huge hitbox, and hits extremely deep as a cross-up. Plus, it seems to have a ton of reel stun tacked onto it so it’s definitely a dangerous tool since one missed blocked can lead to huge damage from Raiden.

The other command normal I really enjoy using but can’t quite utilize like the pros is Kyo’s command d+hp(air). Watching Otaku and Deshi mess with Mago’s Sagat and Blanka with a raged Kyo is just pure entertainment.

command normals are tough to rate. there’s so many good ones

does kim’s overhead out of stance count?

chun df+rh is really good, evades a ton of shit and beats everything, juggle a CC / super after it near the corner

akuma dive kick

morrigan’s jumping drill kick is really useful too. imagine if a not-shitty character had that move

Whose dive-kick is the best out of the entire cast? Is there any differences in frame advantage between them because they all seem incredibly unsafe if you hit early, and they all seem about the same when they land deep.

Kim, Cammy, Sakura, Yun and Akuma are the only ones I believe? (I know rugal’s dive punch cannot be punished if it connects, even when JD’d)

This made me lol.

And for dive kicks, I think Sakura has the best one. Seems to have a ton of priority, beats a lot of conventional anti-airs.

King- j.hp, shit is a beastly air to air
Benimaru- is a asshole, super cancellable
Vice- is too good a cross up
Athena- c.fp, hella priority, low ass hitbox
Sim- db+hp, super fast, +8, can link super on counter hit
Rolento-, really good whiff punisher (s,mk xx lvl 3 tripwire hurts)

Balrog’s s.hp should be mentioned, its a bitch if you can’t crouch it.

sagats standing lps deserve a mention. too bad its duckable by half the cast.

athenas c.hp has crazy ass priority but that shit gets whiff punished like no tomorrow. just what can she do when people stay out of her c.hp range? maybe throw a fireball?

EDIT: forgot to mention about hibiki’s bitch ass shit is crazy spammable with range. i dunno is it because her fast ground recovery that makes her so good or its just a good overall.

everyone forgot rugals buff

so that makes 2 of buktooth’s character’s c.lks hella spammy/good, who wants to go for the hat trick?

virtually half of the cast’s is exactly the same with slight differrences based on range/dmg while the other half doesnt get rapid fire shorts. i could see comparing the non-rapid fire shorts against each other because they have the potential to be very diiferent but comparing rapid-fire c.lks is kinda pointless imo