So I’m getting HRAP3 and I plan on playing CVS2 with it. (Before you say that HRAP3 doesn’t work on PS2 then I’m playing it on PS3…)
So what’s the best button setup for HRAP3.
The stick’s type is:
[] /\ R1 L1
X O R2 L2
If you’re asking what to configure your in-game buttons to then it would be whichever 3x2 button layout you like more. The left side or the right side. Whatever feels more comfortable to you.
If you’re asking about actually modifying the stick’s buttons then I would say that it is completely unnecessary since most fighters worth their salt allow you to configure buttons in-game.
EDIT: I have no actual experience with the HRAP3.
I was asking about the button-layout, and thanks for answering, but could someone who has experience with the HRAP3 also reply? (As in what is the best layout for combos and stuff…)
And if anyone plays Soul Calibur 3 and DOA2 here, what are the best button layouts for them?
Sorry for double post… BUMP!
arcade button layout (ie: default PS2 layout with PPP/KKK turned off).
So I don’t have to change anything but turn PPP and KKK off?
So Hori basically chose the correct layout? XD
Uh, it’s on default already, and why are you playing it on PS3? It lags like crap.
doesn’t for me.
More like you don’t notice/feel it. Which is alright I guess since it’s your preference.
And yes, the HRAP3 layout also already matches the default CVS2 Layout, as do most fighting games by capcom/general.