Best ggpo player tournament

Want to prove u r the strongest man in the world? Now its the time for it, the rules for it r simple:
Select ur character (character lock) n play against the whole cast (16 chars minimum) FT10 against each of them.

Each match won=1 point Each match lost= -1 point

Player with the most Overall points at the end of the month is the Best player of GGPO

The minimum of participants must be 16, so each character must be represented in the tournament

Now, here the fun part, the oponents not necesarilly must be participants of the tournament, lets say a player who is not skilled chose Cammy, but there is a very good Cammy who didnt join the tournament, he can be the contender for (hopefully) all the participants, in case a player has idk high ping to certain player, a substitute contender will be used n no problem

Time to finish all the matches is the whole month of October, n in case the spot 1 is tied, well, yes, a Grand Final!

Its totally fine if participants pick duplicates (2, 3 or more players picking Ryu) as long as the 16 characters r represented its all right.

List of Participants:

1.-TheBastard- (Zangief)
3.DSP aka The Mexecutioner(lol)

PS:Tournament is open for suggestions

Want to sponsor it? if anyone, I will update it here

Sign ups will be open until Oct/08/2011 n each player needs to finish their match during the remaining 3 weeks of October

We all know Cigargirl will win this so why bother.

Although Rcaido could make a tie for first place with her.

i’m down, despite i’m 100000000000 miles away from at least be an average ggpo player :stuck_out_tongue:

Let me add u to it, remember its a good way to measure ur overall performance

If this all happened last night, I’m sure I would have took it all. Sadly, I don’t think I can ever play at that level ever again. I don’t know what it was, just something in the air maybe.

doubt u could have finished 16 FT10’s in 1 night, so r u joining it?

I can not enter due to high latency in relation to players from the West Coast of the US and Central America. This will detract from the value and overall manliness of the activity.

Im sure u can find 16 contenders around ur area who can fill those 16 FT10s, as I mentioned, I can probably make it for regions ( North America, South America n Europe) as long as each participant finishes his 16 FT10s against good contenders the results should be similar.

Some have asked that I participated in such a thing around here. However, most those players have refused to participate in a national ST event, without providing acceptable justifications. While I dislike the version which was used (PS3 HDR Classic, a version with input lag), that was what was possible and we needed players to get the higher prize (console + stick, rather than just a stick). Thus, I and the other players who did the effort and traveled and entered the event are not willing to endorse this online rank of them. If they leave their houses the next time, if there is a next time, we will worry about online ranks.

This is a particular issue, and of course I was just joking. But odds are we will not participate in online ranks. My execution has been shit, also.

Sure, I’m game. But due to my location and mediocre internet speed, I am most likely only going to be able to play against my neighbors from south of the boarder.

Sigh me up as “The Mexecutioner”.

the fuk you say about my momma…


I’ll just nominate the contenders (character specialists that competitors should face) that you can easily find on ggpo
there are some other good players but they are not there most of the time

ryu: 0men / rgbloc
ken: djf / cigarbob
gief: sesho / snk3
chun: skimarked / SMM
blanka: decoy, reign
guile: pasky
sim: hydlide (if you have good ping) / cigarbob / yikto
thawk: dsp / djf
cammy: art / cyber / EVO
fei: hypenated / cigarbob/ djf
deejay: sam-
claw: ganelon
sagat: ultracombo
dict: b303/ rizone / nocando / pokchip
boxer: ritual / KenWakashimazu / bhop
honda: madzero (b4 2am) / kuroppi (after 2am)

looking at this list, it’s definitely not a easy task to run through all the 16 characters with 16 wins

If you check the HDR league in the HDR forum, they seem to have a hard time to keep everyone playing for a period of the time.
Just to keep in mind this might be very difficult to pull off.

And why are you still mad?

I think this is a good idea and could be really fun.

But why the hell are you forcing a rule that EVERY character must be represented?

Oh and I nominate Rcaido for Gief. Just because ti would be fucking hilarious.

I think the idea behind this is that to claim that you’re really good, you should be good with ALL the match up.
Not just switching to another cough 5th best cough character whenever you run into a bad match.

But I agree that requiring ALL 16 characters represented in the participants will be difficult.

OTOH, if the testers (the one that you have to face) are a separate group (can overlap) of players, then this should still work.

For example, there could be only 5 ryus who entered this. Whoever has the best record of running through


will be the winner of this tournament.

Well that doesn’t add much to this tourney. In that case all the 5 ryus entered would have beaten gief.

Say hello to my Aztec Warrior ese!

The video’s say differently he wouldn’t even tie with me.


Character lock I’m perfectly fine with. But keeping out Stevetren or s4v’s ryu because Omen is in just doesn’t seem right. Same if I choose gief and the other top giefs can’t play.

Character lock Yes forcing all 16 characters to be represented just doesn’t seem right.