Best cast of Street Fighters

I’m wondering what cast do you guys like more, the cast from Street Fighter II or Street Fighter III(The whole series for each title). No, this is not gameplay topic, just charecter designs. So yeah, which one?

As for me, I like SF3 cast by a tiny little bit. A lot of people will say other wise, but I just find them to be a lot more creative, but they are not as memorable…

3 for me.

the designs for the characters are awesome. Necro, dudley and Hugo mostly.

Street Fighter II series

I prefer playing SF3, but I like the character designs of SF2 (the appearances, back-stories, personalities).

I like both of the character line up in the SF2 and SF3 series, but Id give the edge to the SF3 designs.

My top 3 favorite designs from the SF3 series are Alex, Hugo and Dudley.

Not that I have anything against anyone prefering the 3s characters, but I don’t agree with them being more creative at all. Characters like Necro, Q, Sean, Remy, and Twelve are nothing special at all.

Necro is just Blanka + Dhalsim gameplay wise. He looks like a bleaced out Sim is some cases. Oberserve the bald-head and the random red mark on him. His design is really half-assed.

Q is just an oversized Inspector gadget; he sucks to play with…

Remy is just a KOF regect who happens to have some of Guile’s movesets. His normals fucking suck. I don’t give a shit rather he can charge-partition because it doesn’t do much for him. Capcom may as well have given him SNK moves sets, heh.

Twelve isn’t so creative from a design perspective. He just looks like a walking peice of white plato. Actually, I don’t really hate his character concept; he just could have been more creatively inspiring =). I do like his distance gameplay to some extent even if he’s nothing but hit and run attacks.

Sean is a shoddy Ken. Not that Sean is really that bad, but why use Sean when you can use Ken? I don’t think by simply slapping a Shoto gi on a black dude is creative, especially with no real innovating gameplay.

Makoto is so fucking random in her gameplay. Her design is average. But in some ways, I find her more fun than Ryu. =)

As for Hugo, Gief>Hugo, nuff said.

I do like Ibuki simply because she’s a ninja and not too crappy of a ninja. Alex and Elena are alright for me. Dudley is dope though I wish he was a charge character. I have no problems with Oro. Yun and Yang are okay. =)

The SF2 cast is much more original and inspiring overall. They cannot be compared to the 3s cast.

Street Fighter II had a much better cast overall. I really think it was idiotic of Capcom to eliminate so many good characters from the sequel, purely from a marketing perspective.

Nothing, in my opinion, will ever top the original cast of SFII. They were just utterly original, even if they were racially stereotypical. Also, i think that the fact that some of the characters in SFIII are just updated versions of SFII characters was done on purpose, for kind of a nostalgia feel i guess. I dont think Yasuda Akira just ran out of ideas, and so decided to go for just a cut paste job. I mean just look at Turn A Gundam. Yeah, the designs there are fairly lame, but they at least have a hint of originality.

I like the SF3 cast better then the SF2 cast. The character designs really impress me. Plus with the inclusion of new new main hero after so long is a good change. Bring on Street Fighter 4 lol

Well, keep-away_guile…I just find them more creative. Sure some charecters are bland, but SFII had plenty of those to go around as well. A few charecters like DeeJay, T.Hawk, Blanka, E.Honda, Fei Long were not that inspireing at all, and never cought my attention. I agree Q, Twelve, Sean,are not that great, but even so, that does not make Yun, Yang, Alex, Remy(I like him), Necro(I like him too), and the rest of the cast any worst. Also, movewise, these charecters seem like they were meant to be extensions of the old ones. This game would not be as fun if there wasn’t the “guile” guy, the “dhalsim” guy and what not.

The original cast was the best (SF1). But it had to move on and so I say that sf2 was the best. Although that cast couldn’t go on forever, most of it had to change atleast sometime (ex. SF3).

I just like the SFIII art style a lot more than SFII. The fact that

a. I enjoy SFIII characters better visually, in terms of sprites, and aesthetically (ex. i’d rather play as hugo than gief, necro than dhalsim)
b. SFIII characters are more fun to play

makes the SFIII cast better in my mind. My gripes about the SFIII cast would be

  1. I wish that the SFIII cast was more cohesive. Their stories don’t tie into eachother at all really.
  2. Their was a good and evil thing going on in SFII that I really liked. Their was no common enemy in SFIII, just stupid ass Gill.

What about the Alpha series? It had Rose and Charlie, two of the better SF character designs ever. Also introduced Dan, Sakura, and a whole slew of new characters.

Slew is a funny word.

Charlie is the coolest SF character ever.

^I just trid to stick to II and III…I kinda regret not putting Alpha in there, but oh well.

I suppose I can’t really give an unbiased opinion since I’ve never played SF3 (but I’ve researched it online, know who all the characters are and such), but overall I think SF2 had a more memorable cast. Not to say that SF3 doesn’t have its gems, but it also had more “meh” characters than SF2, IMO. Maybe I’ll come up with a better answer once I’ve played SF3. :stuck_out_tongue:

SF2 9999999999999999X over

I got to go with SF3. While granted a lot of people will say that they were not at all original but neither was SF2.

Dhalsim original? Sure if you call a gross stereotype original. Indian Rubberman owns him just because of his ridiculous design.

Honda, yep I am sure a lot of people never seen anything like a sumo before SF2

Blanka, a generic freak, seriously what is special about that other than him ripping off the classic ‘I was raised in the wilderness by wild animals’

Vega, pretty boy serial killers have been around for a minute even back in 1992.

M.Bison, power hungry villians with aspects for world domination were not new back then either.

A lot of people confuse first time appearing in a fighting game for original. SF2 cast were as stereotypical as SF1 cast and the SF3 cast just followed in the tradition. They maybe update stereotypes in design but they are all stereotypes.

But from a gameplay perspective SF2 was the originator of all modern fighting game dynamics so of course some characters in SF3 will play like them but in different ways.

Both casts are good, but really to each his own.

I dont care much for the character design as suppose to how do they fair in the actual game itself, all of the 3s characters are great to play with. Especially Q.

No shit, every cast has its fair share of bland characters. Dee Jay had some potential… But I still find the overall SF2 cast better thought out in design and game-play. The SF3 designs were very random and again, half-assed in comparison. They could have been cool, but Capcom was in a rush to develop SF3… Come to think of it, the same team that that developed SF2 was not the same team involved in in SF3…

It would have been more fun to actually play Sim and Guile.

If you say so, but SF2 is still more original than the garbage rehashes of SF3.

Yep, Sim is original. His design and gameplay is nothing random or even poorly thought out to me. He’s the original character of the keep-away strategy who can spew fire. So what if he’s a stereotype? Stereotypes can be original though not 100% original. I find him better thought-out than Necro at the very least.

I never really liked him that much. But I only find his gameplay remotely unique…

Meh, Blanka is a good freak in looks even though he was inspired by the “I was raised in the jungle by animals”. But I like his charge-style gameplay.

He’s actually cool-looking Ninja Spaniard. Yeah, he’s a psychotic killer, whatever. At least he’s fun to play as.

Yeah, his story ain’t too polished since Capcom doesn’t really do such a great job with stories… I like his organization but what else do you expect? But his dictator design even today is extra cool. I actually like his rushdown gameplay. Knee-press that shit down!

Stereotypes rock! Well, some of them…

Too bad the some of the new ones are mediocre to use. :sad: Charlie rushdown>Remy

I think we can both arrive to that conclusion.

Edit: I forgot to mention that even the Alpha characters are more original than the 3s characters to me.

SF1 sucks. 3s characters>SF1 cast =D

Street Fighter II Cast

To me, it will be the Street Fighter II series cas all the way.