In A-groove with ANY character you can combo throws and special grabs, you just gotta time it.
I like to jump in the air and do his drill kick attack, and the second I land, do his command grab…now if the opponent is blocking it’s pretty much free damage
So yeah, I can’t come up with enough to make a video for this guy. I have a few CC’s (that will probably be annoying as hell to do), but I couldn’t really come up with anything special other than that. I guess I would have to refer back to my list I was keeping track of, but I don’t remember anything special other than the CC’s.
I couldn’t figure out ANY cool looking combos off of CH’s. Same with C-groove… I figured out some decent setups, but nothing really worth mentioning.
I did however, find out a decent number of useful tidbits about the character but I don’t really have that much exp with him, so it’s hard to gauge how valid my material is. Also, that type of material is more practical and less flashy, so it wouldn’t really do well in a vid that only had 4-5 nice/hard looking combos in it.
Maybe I’ll just release like individual clips or something, but that’s a lot less interesting than an entire vid.
Yeah that’s dope. U should also trying getting them with the grab super at or near the end. Like whiffing a hi jab, supergrab.
how about…cr.short x 2 super? I use the qcf qcf + K level 3 because it looks like Chidori lol. I’m using him in N groove since he has run. I think N might be a good groove for him. run s.forward x n or run cr.short rushdown. A groove is also good. What about BnB? I tried cr.short x 2 dp + k or qcf + k but it doesn’t combo. It pushes you away. The best you can do is probably or into mp fireball punch or the qcf + k, d u + k. Oh and does anyone use the drill kick?
is it possible to RC the break dancing (shinkuu katogetoma) as a anti cross up?
and what about using c. lk, big knee as a bnb? if it connects do the follow up with rh for 1900 damage if you use the lk knee and 2100 if you use the rh knee they have alot of hit stun so it’s easy to hit confirm before you do the follow up.
it’s good to know that you don’t have to link the mk in the electrigger combo you can just combo it off of shorts even as level 1.
And what about, c. lk, c. mp, lp lightnight fist? 1700 damage
I should also mention that a cool thing is low jump rh into lk knee it tends to combo alot and it’s safe and if you connect you can usually do the follow up for 2700 damage or 2500 if you do the lk follow up.
It’s pretty easy to hit confirm off the knees and from the frame data they are all safe and the rh version leaves you at +5 while the lk one (the fastest one i think) leaves you at -1
I tend to do, xx knee.
J. hk, cr. mp xx hcb+hk
this is acually a trick with him that sets up a super. when thre on the ground do that spining kick and the cancel right before they get up then do the grab super. I wouldnt do this if they have a lvl 3 super.
What’s a good damaging combo with C-Groove?
He has lots of combos…
The most damaging one if I remember right is,, xx Lvl 1 Raikoken super, lvl 2 Raikoken super, then level to cancel into the rh hcb+k, but that only works near corner. I may be forgetting something but thats it.
^I see, cuz I was messin’ with him one time in C-Groove and was trying to find what special move I can cancel his Lvl 2. Raiko-ken with in order to make a combo that finishes with another Lvl 1. super.
LOL I love your lil setup there
Some things I have seen from various Benimaru players. I have tried so of this stuff out in Training mode and Xbox Live Play.
Im not sure if its or but jump straight up and throw one of theres out when air to air it seems really good.
(Gimmick) Instead of Lil D’s setup, I have seen one that is a lil better. after knock you vary the timming for when you do forward mk on your opponents wake up. If done right you can buffer the grab super for when they wake up, lvl 2 or higher generally a SRK will go right through you, even if they do wake up retarded shit. But if you are playing someone like that then there will be plenty of other safer opprotunities else where.
- X2 or X3 (I forget which seemed best) dash throw super. This shit is really easy to do, or you can dash RC grab which is harder, for me at least.
A groove Benimaru (Fun) He has a decent Anti Air custom. Activate DP HK whiff j.hp to corner and qcfX2 k super. You just got to get them to jump from outside of sweep range, (for me) on croosup its not impossible but pretty hard. This custom is like really old, but nobody respects Beni so most ppl feel OK about jumping in on him.
Drill Kick throw set ups for life. <3
Never underestimate sexy drill kick.
Damn, Benimaru is friggin fun to use! Lk qcf +k is too good. Now I have some questions for y’all…
His air grab. Is it f+p or f+k in the air?
How good is it compared to everryone else’s? -
The move after qcf+k (d, u + k) does that only work for the medium kick and hard kick version? I tend to do a lot of knee slashes with lk, and try to do the finisher afterwards, but I never get it…
What do you guys do for guard break setups/combos?
Thats it. Very basic, I know, but thats what I want to learn about Benimaru right now…
Can anyone answer these? Much appreciated…
Nah…you should cancel the Lvl. 2 into his F, D, DF+HP; it does more damage :V
Do they have a combo tutorial for Benimaru?
Hmm tell ya what post up all the basic along with his most damaging non-A-Groove combos and I’ll see what I can make.
Thnks, I just wanted to find out if they would have something like that on youtube or any type of site that people work on a tutorial on him.