Bellingham! OH YEAAAA

Sup dudes,

I’ve spoken with staff at the anker cafe downtown here in Bellingham and they might be interested in putting together regular events. They would take a venue fee and the rest would have to be worked out among ourselves.

I thought I would post and gauge interest for an event up here in the sleepy town of Bellingham. Would any of you make the drive if I put something together?

I’m also thinking about running some sessions at my apt downtown.

Town of subdued excitement is subdued. I would come to shit for sure. I live off lakeway, I know of one other guy who lives in bham. Mt Vernon has I guess one guy who would come up, Paul needs to stop playing so much magic.

I might be able to join as well (I’m the mount vernon guy previously mentioned), there’s nate and cody, and there’s a few more randoms that frequent Tilt at Bellis Fair… Hit me up at (360)202-0227 if you want to work out sessions. I dunno if people are going to want to do venue fees, but I’m sure you’ll be able to find some interest in casual sessions at someone’s place.

Im in Mount Vernon as well and would totally make my way up north for some SF.