Beginner Resources

That sounds like an awesome idea. Personally I am an SF player first, but I’m having a great time taking a rest from that game and learning Tekken. I’ve played around in training mode with almost the whole cast and checked out pokes, to simple strings as well as where their higher damage moves are and it’s been a blast. I like seeing the incremental steps of change I see in my game from knowing how deep it is. Hell, most of my frustration from 2D games came from “I know all the damn moves and pokes and 1 frame links of this char, why can’t I win!??!?!?” With Tekken I know theres a lot I need to learn and it’s been great to see how far I can get with my simple game and taking it online to then go back to the lab and learn more. If that article does anything, maybe it’ll grab more people’s attention and draw them into checking out a game outside their comfort zone.

:eek: 3D generally, but Tekken in particular, have this terrible stigma about them regarding entering the game.

Some of it is true. It’s a hard game, straight up.

Some of it comes from the community; the learning curve and all the bullshit you overcome with experience has become a rite of passage in some circles, which is fine, but it sometimes has the potential to become a “new players not allowed because you can’t hang” sort of thing, which is never good.

Some of it is just fear. I’ve been playing Tekken for a short while, not as long as a lot of other people, but I have a great teacher and he never forgets to explain to me how easy I have it with him teaching me and not ten dudes in the arcade taking turns busting my ass while I run out of quarters trying to learn how to block, step and tech. The game is daunting.

It’s also very frustrating even at intermediate levels, which can be a turn off to this new generation. But what isn’t, honestly?

I think we all just need to be really honest about the game and up front. The chips will fall where they may after that; I’m no Tekken OG, but I think the people who generally love to explore and learn and not stop learning will dive right in and never come back up for air. Lots of people lately have been trying to talk about how they feel about fighters and what they feel a fighter should be like and have and conform to. Granted, we all think things like this about anything we’re interested in, but…okay, check this out. I’m at Summer Jam and in the 3D room. One of my buddies is watching another of my friends just totally powderslap kids in DoA5. One of the dudes that’s behind my buddy is having a conversation with some other guy. He says, “Man, I’m into these 3D fighters, but none of them have what I need. They feel so floaty and fake; I need an honest one, something totally organic and sound.” Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown was playing on two setups right next to him (a perfect description of that game, by the way~).

Similarly, think of what people were clamoring about when Marvel 3 dropped. Everyone was so up in arms about how the new generation unleashed a shitstorm of noobtastic games…“fraud friendly” fighters. People said they wanted something honest and, yes, something with a learning curve and a barrier of entry even if it wasn’t that high. King of Fighters XIII drops. Where did all those voices go? They got what they wanted. But they weren’t ready. This new generation is just difficult to tap; their attention span is split between so many things and they are so transient between the things they like that it’s hard to cater to them without becoming gimmicky. The stream monster culture, the NAH and onrine warrior culture…all these things have a very deep impact on how people who aren’t already convinced about a game see it.

Sorry for mashing my keyboard, but I just have very strong feelings regarding this sort of thing and I’ve been writing some articles on it for a while and whenever I see it, I just have to type. This isn’t me bashing 09ers or whatever, by the way. I just call this shit like I see it and damn it all if I’m wrong.

25% win ratio, god I fucking suck at this game. I just don’t understand whiff punishing and frame punishes. I watch LUYG videos and they talk about 11 frame punishes and what not which I still don’t get. I feel I’d get better if i could punish things accordingly.

Tyler is an awesome player, really informative on Jinpachi and Draguvon’s sections on TZ. If there’s anyone that I trust into a good article, it is him.

Come on buddy, don’t make us wait.

make sure you stretch your hands before and after playing or you are asking for carpel tunnel syndrome

Simply put, I haven’t seen a thread for these two yet and I figured I would go ahead and make one. Post any Alex and/or Roger information here! I also have a little poll running to see who is more popular, Alex or Roger.

While I appreciate the sentiment, a character thread needs to have a little more organization than this. Locking for now, message me and we can discuss further negotiation.

So this is my second foray into trying to get good at Tekken, last time was 5. I’ll try to keep this first post updated with info as soon as I can organize my thoughts and as it rolls in from others.

From what I’ve read, it seems Raven is pretty good in this game. Most people still consider him a somewhat high risk/reward character, but his mixups are good and his damage is respectable without being too difficult to learn. I know he’s got a ton of launchers, quite a few of which are taggable, and a decent array of B! moves.

Information that would be useful to me is what are the best TA fillers and enders and also what to do when I get my opponent against a wall. I also feel like my movement needs to get better. From what I see in replays most players combine things like ssr canceled to d/b with his u/b ~ b back handspring. Is this basically it?

Starting off with some basic info courtesy of TZ


-High risk, high reward character
-Heavy 50/50-based (mix-ups) gameplay

SDW: b+3+4
HAZ: 3+4

1,2 (i10)
WS 4 (i11, do this out of CD)
d/b+2 (i13, SDW)
d/f+1 (i14)
3,3 (i14, 2nd hit can be ducked on block)
f+2 (i15)
FC 3 (Can be launch-punished on block, do this out of CD)

Homing Moves:
f+3 (SDW by holding b, has NC KND/W! extension f+3,2)
u+3 (+2, high)
f,f+4 (-10)
WS 3+4 (-14)

d/b+4 (-11~-14)

f+2,4 (2nd hit can be ducked on block)
1+2 (-10)

Punishment (stand):
-10: 1,2; 2,3; 2,4
-12: 4,1
-13: d/b+2,1
-14: 3,3
-15: 1+2; b+2,4; f+2,3
-16: d/f+2; 4~3

Punishment (crouch):
-11: WS 4
-13: WS 2
-14: WS 1
-23: u/f,n,4

Punishment (whiff):
d/f+2 (SDW)

WS 1 (-14, can be done out of CD, tag bufferable)
WS 2 (CH only)
3~4 (SDW)
4~3 (-15)
f,f+3 (-14)
f,f,n,3+4 (CH only)
d/f+2 (SDW)
d/f+3 (CH only)
CD+1 (CH only)
CD+2 (-17)
CD+3 (tag bufferable)
CD+4 (-14, tag bufferable)
SDW 3+4 (-16, tag bufferable)
SDW d+3 (-24)
SDW b+2,3 (-16, CH only, tag bufferable)
SDW f,f+3+4 (-22, SDW)
HAZ 1 (CH only)
HAZ 3 (SDW, CH only)

SDW f+2,3

Bounds: (less useful)
SDW (3,4),3

Tag Assault Fillers: (open field)
u/f+4,4 (generic TA! by holding 5)
b+3+4~SDW 3+4

Tag Assault Fillers: (at wall)
u/f+4,4 (generic TA! by holding 5)
u+3,d+3,3 (perpendicular W!)

SDW b+2,4

Wall Enders:
f+3+4,3+4 (for low opponent post TA!)
1,2, 1+2
SDW b+2, SDW 1+2

Tag Outs:
UT~5 (With Yoshimitsu/Kunimitsu as a tag partner only)

SDW 1+2
SDW f+1+2

Misc Info:

  • You can cancel CD into any diagonal directional move (Eg: d/f+1, d/b+2, u/f+4, etc)
  • You can cancel CD into WS by inputting CD as follows: d,D/F~n
  • UT (HCB,F+1+2, throw) can be buffered out of some moves.
  • You can sidestep and/or dash forward between UT input (between HCB and F+1+2)
  • b,b+2 has an auto-reversal window. Experiment with using it after safe strings.

Or just don’t press so hard.




I wish it was as easy as just writing it, but I do put a lot of experimental, practical, and forum research into everything I write, so I try not to just “chug” things out (I missed the day 1 bandwagon of YT videos, mostly because of their invisible policy change regarding tutorial videos and monetization) but I definitely appreciate hearing that people do actually read my articles :stuck_out_tongue:

With that being said, I have a ton of ideas that I want to get on “paper” and (like I said on my site) I really want to create a super in-depth mechanics and system guide for TTT2. Something any skill level player could refer to and most likely find whatever they’re looking for, i.e.

“I wonder how impact frames work in Tekken”

<Goes to Frame Data section>
]In-Depth/Technical Info
[]Impact Frames
]Active Frames
[]Guard Frames
]NH Frames/CH Frames
[*]“Whiff” Frames
<Clicks Impact Frames>

In the section it’ll talk about how impact frames work, why some attacks may vary (dependent on range, which leads into Active Frames), etc.

“Huh, so what’s Active Frames?”

<Clicks Active Frames>

And so on and so forth. Everything would be designed to be interconnected and as such would be designed to be consumed digitally. You could indirectly find information you’re looking for without actually knowing the technical term. Or hell, you might find information that you weren’t looking for that will improve your game simply because you’ll understand it better. It’s a very ambitious project and is being designed to be complete, as such people have to understand that this isn’t something that can be completely (correctly) over the course of a few weeks. This was my original intention for Project 62, but I got picked up to be on the Prima team and the e-book was put on hold.

With THAT being said, I first want to put out what I originally said in this thread. A non-technical explanation of Tekken, something to help shed light on mechanics in Tekken that seem overbearing at first, but are easy to grasp once a few “truths” are realized. I want to release that first, but I need to find the time to sit down and write it.

This thread is great. Thank you all who posted information and discussed the game. I have a question, though. From the research I’ve done, it seems that the Korean players are the “ones to beat or follow,” and they prefer the pad over the stick. I was thinking of going with stick, since the dashing and moving seems easier that way, but if the best Tekken players are using the pad and out-maneuvering the stick players, I’d rather not waste my time learning how to use a stick. So should I bother learning to use a stick for this game?

I highly doubt Koreans use pad as they play almost exclusively in arcade…

Anyway, Tekken is definitely playable on pad, no need to switch if you’re confortable with it.


Basically, if you don’t plan to compete in Korea or Japan, don’t bother.

when i play online, most players can just easily teabag with the lamest stuff. like pauls d,df,f 2. it amazes me how people can get away so easily with that stuff.

This thread has a lot of good info but it’s scattered throughout. Has anyone thought of consolidating it into a few posts in a new thread or even take over the first few posts of this thread?

True story.
I’m just glad it’s only 3 pages.


Like someone else mentioned, Koreans generally play in arcades, and in fact use a type of stick that has a ‘lever’ or ‘bat’ instead of a balltop.

Many of the best North American players use a Dualshock 3 pad, a few use stick (I don’t think the pad players use claw for the face buttons either).

TTT2: SE (defense):