Beginner Cable Tutorial (Videos inside)


AND, as a bonus, we have a video of my hands doing AHVB:




the sjc of the bullet…is that a tigerknee or what?

i am so completely unable to do that one for some reason

hmm the sjc from the bullet has to be done really fast in a freaking short amount of time like 1 frame or so but the game buffers your inputs a bit so you can tigerknee this but even i was trying to get the timing down and can’t do it more than 20% of the time when i m focused you can not sjc any bullet if you did not hit them whit you gun …

interesting…i swear i had seen an evo combo exhibition where some mexican player sjc a bullet into jab viper into AHVB from full screen as far back as…06? 07 maybe? idk. always tried to do it myself but couldnt. doesnt matter now, i can psimitar just fine :rofl:

Whaat sjc just the bullets … hmm i have seen cabel doing 20 bullets but that was a glich used by joo i can only do it if i hit whit my gun first …and even than this sjc is not realy usefull thats why i didn’t show how to sjc the second 3rd or fourth bullet

what about advance guarding through other combos? i can never seem to get the timing for AGing blackhearts inferon, or cyclops optic blast

hmm ok i will try to record this …i just wanted 2 show the most common thinks like sent trying 2 chip you till you are dead …i have never done this in a real match like duc did but i got the timing down and maybe it will come handy some time …it’s like parry i have parried chuns sa 2 in real matches most just 2 show of but 1 time to win in the end because i had nearly no live left …so make a list of thinks i should try and i will try and record it … but you have 2 be patient because i m busy all the time

thats cool, no rush…i just had downloaded advanced tactics off of preppys site and saw a cable pushblock blackhearts inferno, then jumped uf and AHVB. it probably wouldnt work too well online tho :frowning: