Well, on my Wii, but using a Gamecube disc/controller/memory card.
I’m really just playing against the AI. I suck, I know. Might take it over and play against a friend when we hang out, but he’ll probably be just as scrubby as me, if not worse.
Anyways…AI Kim gives me far too much trouble, and I cannot figure out why. He was even set to be my first opponent when I picked Evil Ryu and despite that your first battle is often against a punching bag, he kept 2-1ing me. I eventually switched to Sagat and beat the crap outta him, but I’ve had multiple characters have major issues with AI Kim.
I guess part of my problem with playing Evil Ryu is that I suck with using his supers effectively. I can execute the dragon punch super okay, but it’s rough about getting full damage. The Shinkuu Hadoken is better about getting hits, but HCF x 2 doesn’t always register well on the Gamecube’s D-pad. As for the Raging Demon? I’ve had random days where I could do it, but most of the time it’s fairly suicidal to even attempt because it just won’t activate. I’ve had in training mode with the key imputs showing, and even when it shows a correct imput…maybe I’m doing it too fast or something, because it might actually happen something like 3/10 times?
Also…random comment, but what’s up with Geese’s Rising Storm imput? It’s so awkward. Rock’s is far easier and more consistently throwable at a moment’s notice.
Geese’s does far more damage. It’s just a pretzel motion. Make a pretzel, and you got it. There’s also a fuckton of help on getting that super off.
For whatever reason about Geese though, I think his Deadly Rave is far more difficult to input, but that’s me.
Two “Shortcuts” are:
:hcb:x2, :df:+:p:
Also, from a :db: block position, you can just do :hcb:x2+:p:
As for the game itself, don’t worry about combos just yet. The game is about poking, footsies, and spacing at its very core. I don’t know about AI-Kim specifically, but generally speaking the computer walks into dragon punches and jumps randomly. Just learn to react and DP them. I think I recall my strategy for beating Shin Akuma is just pick Sagat and at the start of the round HP DP and Akuma just walks into it, any difficulty level. Don’t jump in at the computer. Older games tend to read jumps and automatically AA you as soon as you do it. Ground games beat the shit out of the cpu in this game.
Also - Evil Ryu sucks. Regular Ryu and Ken are far better.
Yeah, I do much better with Ken. And honestly, in this game, the AI isn’t nearly as crazy about unleasing instant AA’s as soon as you jump. Well…except Morrigan was doing it to me earlier. But most of them will eat jumping HK’s all day long as long as you play a character with a good one. Of course, they often eat crazy fireballs as well. It’s funny to throw slow hadokens at U.Rugal and watch him try to reflect it entirely too early.
Also, I’m a massive fan of the C-groove in general. Between air blocking and the freedom to use any level super at any time (as long as I have enough meter). I always feel pressured by the timers of N and K, I dislike charging S, I suck at parrying (which makes P useless to me XD), and…well I shouldn’t have to explain what makes A difficult. rofl
K isn’t about the meter… The time you have amped up power during it, so your attacks do more. It’s also easy enough to JD that you can build that meter up quite a bit.
P and S grooves just suck.
N Groove is more about the variety you have than the meters. Don’t put so much emphasis on meter. It’s mostly important for A and C in this game.