Beating Hibiki

I’m having a lot of trouble beating her with mid-tier characters. The only ones i’ve been able to do decently with against her is iori, kim and akuma. I have to resort to A-sak/some other top tier just to beat her. So how do you beat her with mid tier characters? What tactics or tricks should be used?

What groove is Hibiki in? Its not entirely dependant, but it’d be helpful. In any case, some general stuff.

Consider the advantages of rolling against Hibiki. All her moves have quite a bit of recovery, so a whiff can lead to big damage. If she has full meter than obviously the risk is almost not worth it.

Check what the Hibiki player is using to zone you. If its a nothing but varients of st/cr strong, check if you have a character that has a longer poke. Hibiki can zone, but once you get in she’s not as tough.

She’s either in K-groove or A-groove. Whenever i get in i get pushed back out by her bnb. For example let’s say i’m using Ryu, what can he do to stay on her? I RC fireball, outside of her qcf+hp range, and try to short hurricane kick to get in. what else is there for him to do? A lot of these options are high risk becuase she can roll through the fireball or activate into CC. What’s a character like Ryu to do at mid range?

Thats tough. I think every shoto player has to rush Hibiki, since she can zone them out easily. So I’d go with …

st fierce
cr rh xx lk hurricane kick
cr mk

You have to be really patient to get in. Try walking in and out of range to get a feel of how well they can zone. If you can get within range of st fierce, then you should be able to dash in and work from there.

If not, get just outside of her qcf+lp range. That way if she whiffs you can still dash in for damage. You can also react with a lp DP for any pokes you predict.

Edit - this may sound stupid, but after a RC fireball try either toward+fierce or toward+medium kick. The second being better than the latter. I’ve been hit out of the second one several times without much damage done. For some reason toward+fierce works kinda well despite being really slow.

projectiles are ur best friends

at mid range, i’d say either run away if you’re winning, or try to get in with jumping mk or something. that thing’s got some stupid good priority, but i’m not sure if it would trade/stuff hibiki’s anti-airs.

at long range, hibiki can’t do much to ryu either. you can throw some non-telegraphed fireball’s pretty safely, so you get hibiki to jump, roll, whatever to get back into her range. Try to punish according, or move in close to start rushing down.

If she’s a-groove, watch out for rc running slash. though for some reason if they try to rc through a fireball and you’re still in the fireball pose, she goes right through you and doesn’t connect, as if you’ve rc’ed your fireball. it frustrates me to no end :stuck_out_tongue:

i’m not sure how much rc fb’s will help against hibiki, but rolling through telegraphed slashes are good.

if she does xx dp k, AA that shit so hard. happens to me all the time.

u cant beat her wih shoto no way she owns them. I cant beat k blanka with k hibiki fucking low jump hk is stupid