BB Cross Tag Discussion: Fate of 4 Worlds

I heard furryfag and ran in here as fast I could.

Jokes aside, I’ll just wait for character reveals. Not like there will lack of waifus in a fun hype game.

Open the first tweet to see the full thread with all the new details.


Now I’m kinda curious about Hyde’s sprite in the trailer. How much did it get improved?
No arcade version might break the Japanese domination in the scene… Lol, who am I kidding.
Turns out I won’t be screwed simply by playing on pad, good to know.

I still ain’t seeing no Steam confirmation… Arc Sys, please… Don’t leave me behind again…

Wait a minute, early in development!? Did we just get another “This isn’t even my final form!” “20% and still better than Marvel” batch of memes?

On one hand, while I’m hyped at the possibility of more fan requested characters getting put in…I’m also kind of bummed because I don’t want to have to wait an extra little bit to play it, lol.

I think the trailer is just proof of concept and he’ll look different eventually.

I wanted to know if they had changed him, since it didn’t seem to be the case.

This basically ensures the game is pretty far though.

As expected, no GG characters in plan. Maybe if people bug them enough they do one, perhaps as DLC, but I expect none at all. Too bad for no arcade release.

No arcade is great.
First because we won’t get an 2.0 arcade announcement two weeks later than when Steam finally gets the 1.0 version.
Second, because that way, the Japanese don’t get to practice before everyone for a year and treat internationals as free vacations.

Of course, it being designed with Western Audiences primarily, that just raises the all important question. Will there be a dub?

Everything about this sounds gravy, honestly. No DP motions would be dumb though, IMO. GG characters will be DLC, probably in an updated version.

Nah, you’re just getting triggered.

This probably means things like a 4 button layout and few piano inputs. (I can’t imagine playing SFV’s Ed on pad) Also, loads of macros. Throw macros, burst macros, Barrier macros, you name it.

They can’t do things like Down, Down instead of DPs since Ragna has both as Special moves.

The reason why neither BBCF and GGXrdRev didn’t had a dub was because the VA strike that was happening around their releases.

Hold up.

I’ve seen this before… Didn’t Mori say something similar regarding GGxBB? That he wanted to conclude BB’s story first or something?

This can get real hype a few years from now…

Not surprised Cross Tag is skipping Arcades, I highly doubt this would be popular on that platform in Japan


Also, the three games on it are all 4 button games as well, so I don’t suspect any really weird control schemes.

Not necessarily. It was actually just a case of rushing to try and get the games out closer to Japanese releases and save some money with speculation on it having to do with working on like Revelator and Centralfiction at the same time.

I don’t think it had to do with any sort of strike because as far as I know, the only VA that was part of it was Erin Fitzgerald (Bullet in BB, Ramlethal in GG). Both Cristina Vee (Noel), and Patrick Seitz (Ragna) were surprised that they didn’t hear anything and kind of in the dark and all that.

No arcade is not great. Straight to console games tend to be sloppier than games that go under the heavy test of arcades where a poor game will flop much harder. There are (very few) exceptions, but generally that’s how it goes.

No arcade means a Japanese scene likely won’t develop for it. At least it will be a small one.

Finally, a non-Marvel anime game where North America can reign supreme, lol.

We still gonna get bopped you know.