presents - GGPO ST tournament $25 cash prizes Grand Final Sat April 21th 10PM EST

Just passing along info that these guys are advertising on GGPO. (I’m not associated with any of the TOs)

Quoting the Tournament Organizer from


Round 1 : April 7th
Round 2: April 21
Round 3: April 28

Prize : Cash + gamestop giftcard

For signup and more info, please go to

The original SRK thread is here

Thanks bro.

Free bump for these guys since they are helping to promote ST/GGPO tournament with prizes.

Round one will be this sat 10pm EST

Hit up their link to register

Players already registered


Thread title says 7pm EST. So which is it? 7pm or 10pm EST?

well apparently they changed it.
i’m just relaying the info. should check their thread for accurate details.
i have updated the thread title.

helping megaman to bump this thread

people didn’t show up last week, so this coming Sat is the last round + grand final FT 10 with round 1 winner

Who won the grand final will get $25 cash prize from megaman and ||SOP||SatsuiNohado

They also relax the requirement for only registering at their website.

So please sign up for this final round at


TONIGHT is the final round of ggpo ST tourney.

Winner of today’s bracket will play Ganelon in a FT10.

The champion will take home $25 courtesy of megaman and ||SOP||SatsuiNohado.

Show up and enter today’s tournament at 10PM EST 7 PM PST!

round 2 winner - yito

championship ft10 ganelon 10 vs yito 4

I wanted to let folks know that I received the $25 prize via PayPal as promised. Thanks for hosting and streaming, MegamanX-8! I encourage everyone to enter this man’s future online events. Thanks also to papasi and ultracombo for helping run the tourneys.