Batsu vids

As it stands the games new so i figure everyone is kinda feeling around in the dark so if any has any note worthy videos of batsu toss em here

on that note

Has there been any new vids of Batsu’s play in TvC UAS?

I’d be interested in seeing new vids. As far as I recall, he got nothing but nerfs for the US release…

Just showing off some simple Batsu things.


i cant seem to do more then 2 consecutive bullet kicks in the air i dont think i have bad execution =S is there a secret to doing this or is it as simple as it seems? btw what strength order does it go in? a-kick, b-kick, c-kick i assume? can you provide a transcript plz

I believe you can only do two bullet kicks per jump, so if you do two consecutive ones you would have to double jump before the next two, meaning you can do a max of 4 bullet kicks in the air without Baroque.

If I had seen this a month ago, I would’ve helped ya out lol.

According to the video, here’s the sequence of buttons:
6C, C, 3C, j.A, j.A, j.B, 214C, 214C, 2147C, 214C, 236A, BBQ, 214C, 214C, 2147C, 214C, 236A, 236ABC.

You have to buffer the jump into the third air kick. Also, the attack button for the air kick just determines the angle, not the power. I used all C’s, but you could probably get away with all B’s.