Basic OS Information

Hey, I had some extra time and I decided to put together some OS information. I think I got the timing frame perfect, but I did a lot of testing and it’s possible I made some mistakes. Anyway, it’s all old information that the veterans will know, but I thought it should all be in one place. I did most of it off of forward throw > walk forward > jf. FP, but I did a bit of testing with the 5f OS forward throw > > jf.FP when I thought it would be worthwhile for consistency in a match. It was all done midscreen, so if you have them in the corner remember that you can OS backdashes more easily there but things that would otherwise hit a wakeup back teleport will whiff.


Late OS Sweep:

Catches all backdashes except for Ibuki’s and Balrog’s.

Blocks T.Hawk’s EX uppercut, Fei Long’s uppercut, Balrog’s LP (and only LP) headbutt, Yang’s uppercut, Guy’s EX tatsu, Seth’s uppercut, Cammy’s uppercut, Sagat’s uppercut and Chun’s EX spinning bird kick. (EDIT: This should be able to block the 4 frame reversals too, I think, but my timing was off. Will test more.)

Causes Rufus’ EX messiah kick to partially whiff, and Cody’s EX zonk, and Seth’s EX legs to fully whiff.

Beats Makoto’s EX chop, Viper’s EX seismo, and Deejay’s EX sobat.

Pretty common OS for most characters, often recovers quickly enough to not get punished if they use an escape option like teleport.

OS (MK/HK/EX) Rollkicks:

MK Rollkicks catches all backdashes except Fuerte’s.

EX Rollkicks catches all backdashes.

Rollkicks also beat Viper’s EX flamekick, Dee Jay’s EX sobat, and can beat Blanka’s EX rainbow roll and Rose’s EX spiral with certain timings.

HK Rollkicks are only really necessary for chasing backward teleports. Bison, Seth and Dhalsim can all be chased with HK rollkick, but MK and EX will whiff. I have had no luck OSing Akuma’s or Evil Ryu’s; they likely need to be reacted to.

This is Yang’s OS for teleport characters and also somewhat useful for extra damage and corner carry over the sweep OS. Sadly, it has no invincibility and forward teleport will also often lead to a punish if they sniff it out.

OS LK Rollkicks:

Catches a surprising amount of backdashes. Namely: Ryu, Ken, Honda, Gouken, Akuma, Sakura, Juri, Abel, Yang, Yun, Rufus, and Vega.

Beats Honda’s headbutts and LK buttslam, Gouken’s EX tatsu, Gen’s EX upkicks, Juri’s EX pinwheel, Chun’s EX spinning bird kick, Viper’s EX seismo, EX burn kick and HP thunder knuckle, Bison’s EX psycho crusher and EX devil’s reverse, and Rose’s EX soul spiral.

Causes Rufus’ EX messiah kick and Sakura’s EX shoryuken to juggle, doing minimal damage.

This is the standard anti-Honda OS that the shoto characters use. The risk-reward is usually pretty bad since if they can backdash out they get a full combo, but Gouken, Juri, and, of course, Honda, can’t really do that much about it. It’s also notably useful against Gen, Chun and Rose in the corner where they can’t escape it with their backdashes and is probably better than the other meterless OSes against Sakura and Rufus because they can end up spending a bar on very little damage rather than potentially blowing you up for 400.


Catches all backdashes.

Beats Honda’s headbutts and LK splash, Makoto’s EX chop, Sakura’s EX uppercut, Bison’s EX psycho crusher and EX scissors, Dee Jay’s EX sobat, Balrog’s headbutts, Fei’s EX chicken wing, Rose’s EX spiral, Dhalsim’s EX blast, Cody’s EX criminal upper, Viper’s EX seismo and HP thunder knuckle, Gen’s EX upkicks, and Juri’s EX pinwheel.

Causes Gouken’s EX tatsu to whiff, granting Yang a full combo at the cost of his ultra meter.

This beats a lot of stuff and just generally destroys backdashes. There’s basically no risk in using this against Sakura, Makoto, Balrog, Gen or Juri on every jump-in once it becomes available. Makoto and Balrog can armor through it, but that won’t trigger the OS anyway.


Catches all backdashes except for Yun’s and Yang’s with certain timing.

Beats Gouken’s EX tatsu, Viper’s EX seismo, EX burn kick and HP thunder knuckle, Guy’s EX tatsu, Blanka’s EX rainbow roll, Fuerte’s LK leg grab, Bison’s EX psycho crusher and EX devil’s reverse, Balrog’s LP (only) headbutt and Cody’s EX criminal upper.

This one’s only useful for a few things, but I still found it really interesting. It doesn’t catch teleports as an OS, so you’ll have to react to those. It does actually hit Guy’s EX tatsu, Viper’s EX burn kick and Fuerte’s LK leg grab, which U1 whiffs on. I think players should generally be using U2 against Fuerte anyway to stop him from being able to splash so freely, so this gives another option to deal with his annoying backdash and LK leg grab that get out of so many of Yang’s other OSes. The EX leg grab still escapes it though, so it’s less useful when he has meter. It’s probably not enough to make U2 the better choice against the other two characters, but it’s at least useful for shutting down their options.

Extra mostly useless stuff:

The easy safe jump setup (forward throw > cr. mp > jf. hp) basically goes into 3 different things off the throw: Ultra 1, Ultra 2, and MK/HK/EX rollkick. You can sweep, but because of the extra distance from using instead of walking forward, you’ll only catch the slowest backdashes with it. LK upkicks are also problematic for the same reason. Also, Cammy, Sagat, Dhalsim and Blanka wake up later than everyone else off the forward throw and screw up the timing. Adon also wakes up earlier, so it’s not safe against him. Anyway, the main reason I bring this up is because the U1 OS will whiff on some characters’ backdashes if you do it this way. Those characters are: Ibuki, Seth, Chun, Hakan, Makoto, Gen, Viper, E.Ryu, Bison, Dudley, Dan and Dee Jay. So basically, if you’re playing against Sakura, Juri, or Balrog, you can make things a bit easier on yourself if you want to OS them with U1. It’s still probably worth learning to count the frames, though, because it gets you much closer to the opponent.

That’s it for now, I’ll probably do some pressure OSes soon if I get an opportunity. Let me know if anything is off. Happy divekicking.

trade os i ve seen in the forums
cr lp > stand hp os ex rollkick (U1 in corner)
st hp > hp palm os ex rollkick (U1 in corner)
i use this setup in corner mk launcher >hk or mk senkyu (1hit) > hk senkyu (2 hits) neutral jump mk (safe jump4 frames)>st hp palm os

How do you perform these exactly? You jump-in with FP and for example buffer U1 when you see them dashing, or you do commit the ultra and it just comes out when someone dashes?

Jump in with qcf FP and then quickly do qcf 3P. If timed correctly, you’ll get ultra 1 if the opponent wakes up with anything invincible (that isn’t a 5f or quicker attack) and just the fierce if your opponent blocks or presses buttons. You’re only really committing to the ultra if the opponent does something that would make it impossible for them to block the ultra anyway. Of course, lots of characters have options to get around it, so if you’re against Akuma it’s nearly useless, whereas against Gen it more or less forces him to block on wakeup.

The timing for the slower reversals (e.g. Sakura’s, Honda’s) is actually pretty lenient; try recording it as player 2 in practice a few times and you should be able to get it down.

Thanks, I’ll check it out