Banning Wireless Controllers?

Hurr durr pad players failing to turn of their Dualshocks from the menu after each of their matches.

Well what could you expect from a pad player.

I already gave out the idea of having a separate PS3 just for those using wireless pads to sync there pad into. It was KOR’s fault for not going over there and doing it. They enforced it. They said to desync ur wireless pad on that station so it was KOR’s fault for not doing it.

KOR didn’t get DQed either. He gave up a match to willpower and still won it. He’s in Top 8.

There’s no reason to ban wireless controllers. De-sync your shit or get DQed. Simple as that.

why are some people sooo pressed to use wirelesss controllers in tournaments?

Because of little nuances that each controller brings. It’s like playing with a square gate in your arcade stick when you’re used to an octagonal gate. Sure, you can still play on it, but it’s gonna feel a little weird and you won’t be able to do everything you want to because of that slight “different” feeling.

Pad players who practice at home on their personal DS3/SIXAXIS controllers. Should be required to play on PS2>PS3 converters, and be sure to give them plenty of notice. They may feel different, but they are from the same stem. You could spend a few months getting used to one.

Pad players who practice at home on their personal DS3/SIXAXIS controllers. Should be required to play on PS2>PS3 converters, and be sure to give them plenty of notice. They may feel different, but they are from the same stem. You could spend a few months getting used to one.

I thought wireless controllers were only allowed if you took the batteries out??

Any wireless pad fans better take those batteries out if they wanna be safe anyway.

Did they allow CC based wii sticks for the TvC tournament?

Pretty sure that exception was allowed too, since it’s on the shitty Wii they didn’t have much choice. Everyone says that it’s just as simple as desynching your shit, but people get emotional over these games. All it really takes is someone getting salty that a match didn’t go their way and either forgetting or “forgetting” to desync their pad as they’re walking/stomping away from the station. You can DQ that player for doing it, but it still fucks over the players in the game that just got paused.

If you can’t afford a different Evo approved controller, you probably should be worrying more about sorting out your finances than spending however many hundreds of dollars it’d cost you to attend Evo anyway. I’m in a bad spot financially, so I don’t go to Evo. You don’t hear me complaining to them to change things make it more convenient for me, that’s on me to sort my own shit out.

You did notice that the Wii they used they left the Wiimotes with, meaning that after the match, when you disconnect your stick from the wiimote, you can’t interfere with it.

OK you caught me, I don’t really care about TvC enough to watch it lol. Smart solution though if that was the case. Bottom line is that you can’t leave that responsibility up to the players, even with penalties in place. If someone makes a mistake, he’s fucking a game up for other players, whether you DQ him or not the damage is done.

I don’t see how this home issue happened. People just need to leave their controllers off after playing a match.

The problem stems when they chuck it in the back pack and something presses home or if they have to start playing again and are in the vicinity of the last ps3 they where playing on.

Also, were there so many SSF4 wireless pad players? If not, just disable wireless on ps3 for the ssf4 matches.

Except it’s not like that at all. Pro stick players borrow sticks all the time, as long as they have the same parts. So the Tekken players are just being whiny and superstitious if they think they can’t play on EVO’s provided DS3 if THEY USE A DS3. It’s the exact same thing. I can understand if they had a Mad Catz pad or a converted Xbox 360 pad, but that’s not what we’re talking about here, is it?

@gunjack_fever, I personally love the DS3’s d-pad over the PS2’s. the ps2’s pad is stiff and crunched up. I get jumps when I press left a tiny bit harder on the upper side.

That’s false afaik, if it’s plugged with the the cable then it sends data through the cable

People here claiming that DS3 and PS2 pad are exactly the same thing, are probably stick players that have never trained heavily on a DS3 pad and have no idea what the little subtle differences are.

Clearly we need two sets of rules:

  1. If you pause someone’s game with your home button, you get DQ’d.
    1b. Unless you’re a well known player, of course, and pause a match between a couple of nobodies… then you’re ok.
  2. You must use EVO pads
    2b. Unless you don’t want to, 'cause, you know, we trust you.

Pause my game, make a huge announcement, find out it was someone important, reverse your decision. S’cool… s’cool.