And TE sticks… RIGHT?
Bang the Machine should be a yearly thing imo. It’s too good not to see, no matter how many times you’ve seen it.
Plus it lets all the new people to evo see how much the fighting game scene really means to a lot of people and how driven we can be.
It’s a good experience.
You’re doing God’s work wiz…
We will be showing it again this year. Just cleared with Peter Kang. We dont know when it will fit on the schedule yet, but book your tickets now!
And you best buy popcorn and drinks!
Where can i R.S.V.P?
lol this thread has served its purpose.
Can’t wait.
Even though I have seen this movie more than a few times. I still enjoy watching it,never gets old
I’m there. Can’t wait. I was there at the Evo2K8 screening and I loved it.
Can you feel the hyppppppppppppppeeeeeeeeee
are we going to be allowed to record this? you know like no uploads like match footage?
No video recorders allowed…during the showing.
There really should be a couple of other screenings of bang the machine. There are people who have no way of going to evo who’re into the fighting game scene. Maybe a screening at super vs battle?
saturday night at 10 guys!
Thanks evo staff and co for making this happen
And when’s the I Got Next final cut showing?
I know you got that shit Ian, don’t hold out on me.
No. Why do people ask this same dumb ass question every time they show it when they say YOU CANNOT RECORD THE SCREENING countless times. Your camera will be confiscated and any footage you took will be destroyed and you will be kicked out. No ands, ifs or buts.
Sucks to be you then. Come to evo. They aren’t going to stream it or release it to the public. Ever.
Let the circle jerking commence!
No cameras or cell phones will be allowed in the hall during the viewing. I suggest you leave them in your hotel room, as we will not be holding them for you.
woah straight up no cell phones at all? i hope you guys make a big announcement about that beforehand cause that’s pretty hardcore for people that might not be lurking/subbed to this thread. i’d hate to be the guy that doesn’t surf srk and shows up from another hotel across the strip only to find i have to go back to my room and leave my phone there. nobody wants to have to hide their phone in a bush or anything.