sig worthy.
I’ve started to be able to grab him out of his rushing overhead pretty good now. I just expect it when he has ultra
A few more random hints:
Be wary of using air fireballs if Rog has back charge and ex meter. He can punish you with an ex dash punch/uppercut.
If you want to attack, try to score an untechable knockdown. Rog’s wakeup game is probably his biggest weakness in this match up. You can safe jump all of his wake-up options, and most low attacks will stuff any of his non-EX reversals.
Yeah, badly spaced zankuu against Rog with meter = Ex Upper > Ultra
^mango do you have live? I need practice with the rog match-up plus if you want some akuma mirrors I have alot of practice with that.
Back on topic. If I absorb HB from rog I’ve learned to immediately Forward dash and sHK to either punish or be safe with. Just absorbing and hoping the headbutt doesn’t go behind is gonna get you in trouble. Also I use cLP->cLP->cLP->cMK-> MK demon flip kick as a mix up string because headbutt always whiffs and free punish.
Edit: Fuck, where in Hawaii is there an arcade I go to Maui a little bit here and there. Alright then if I’m ever headed over there I’m definitly going to hit that up. I’ve hit up arcades so far in TN, MI, and obviously GW in Seattle it’s always cool to play people from somewhere else.
No live, I’m purely arcade/offline. Sorry.
I wouldnt focus hb’s too often, if it’s a reversal it breaks armour and you’ll eat a near full dmg ultra. Just bait them and block.
You’re doing something fundamentally wrong then man.
Akuma can’t beat Balrog with a rush down mentality at a relatively high level of play. That’s from my experience, and I fight two of the best Balrogs in the state all the time.
That’s not to say you’re not supposed to like…attack, but up close and inside mid range Balrog wins this 5/5 match up. Outside mid range and long distance Akuma wins. On wake up Akuma wins.
Play safely with good defense and pokes and when you score a knock down, vortex his ass. I encourage the use of demon flips and corss ups like you said, but ultimately whether Akuma wins or not is going to come down to how well he can take Balrog out of his comfort zones. Headbutt, crouching fierce and crouching light punch shut down most of Akuma’s rush down tactics.
Well said, I personally use Akuma and have problems with Balrogs that know what their doing
hmm…with so much discussion, I still can’t find something I can pick and really use against a Balrog who knows what he’s doing, except the throw out of his rushes, and Ultras too.
But is there any real tactic that I can play to? Something that a noob akuma like me can start to use when I do come against a reasonably good Balrog. With all the match ups, I think Balrog is the most difficult to beat ever.
Got almost no zoning tools left, pokes lose to his c.jabs. Can’t rush down effectively, can’t play much mindgames like DF throws and DF kicks. Hard to tech his throws cuz of his gay fast punches and move speed. Seems like everything is against Akuma in this match up.
At least that is how it works out for me. I often fail tragically in matches against Rogs
Maybe you should post some videos?
I clarified in posts after what I meant. That post you quoted is vague. Instead of the Akuma teleporting away from danger to rezone immediately, they catch my ass in crazy pressure with xup, reset, and wake-up games. This is the main reason I picked up Akuma - those humbling losses… but that was the only Akuma that has bested my Rog so far. I’m looking forward to testing out my own Akuma in the arcades real soon.
Well, since I started this topic I am still finding Rog to be the toughest match up… Even with FA, mix ups, strategic offense/defense I find that an average balrog player who has a basic understanding of the character can destroy me due to luck or a single mistake. I’m above 9000gp and rogs with ~3000 can usually destroy me, where as I beat sagats/ryus/etc with higher GP regularly.
Well, first thing’s first. Make a note of why it is you keep losing to Rog. He is a rather unique character to fight against, but there is something you are or aren’t doing every time that costs you the match. If you have to, use a pen/pencil and paper and keep note on your game every time you win and lose. Study Rog as much as you can and begin to capitalize on each window of opportunity he gives you, just as I already explained in my earlier reply. Key word of advice: Take your time, it’s the fastest way!!!