Bag for your fight stick? Gauging Interest

Chun Li Fabric? Brilliant!

If BBB likes them you can probably count on him to buy at least twenty.

And to model them with pajama pants :wink:

I LOVE the Kimono bag, I would buy one, though I’d like something with Light Blue Kimono material.

Lmao. I only can carry one at a time. What I as trying to found out was if anyone makes Custom Arcade Stick Boxes. But I couldn’t find anything :frowning:

I really like the kimono-inspired bag, though I certainly think the second option may be nice for people who won’t shell out for the premium bag. Definitely charge what you need to in order for you and your lady to make a profit, since a 30 dollar stick bag is really unrealistic. You can’t buy anything for 30 bucks nowadays.

I’d happily drop 100-50 or so on a REALLY nice bag that I got to customize a bit to my taste. If you guys allow for some options in terms of fabric and compartments and things, I think you’ll find that people will be willing to spend the money. After all if you are serious about traveling and competing, then a stick bag is definitely something that will get enough use to justify the price.

In short, a high (aka fair) price tag wouldn’t deter me, as long as I have plenty of options when it comes to fabric, style, design, etc.

If you are looking for a guinea pig for a custom bag, PM me :]

I’d tell you to start a business but I honestly have no idea if something like this would be very profitable. The FGC is a very niche demographic, so you would have to advertise and market it fairly well to even make even unless you had help from sponsors.

great design. My interest has been grabbed. :slight_smile:

I really wish there was more options as far as fight stick bags, i usually use a gym bag. However i ordered a B15SDM and I’m sure putting that in a gym bag will feel extremely wrong…

If you start a business ill be placing an order.

Did you take look at the Qanba bags?

Will you be able to do custom designs of some sort ? I will definitely get one if not I’ll still get one of these they looks really great.

You should get this patented… Just sayin.:coffee:

I would get one of these

Qanba makes bags? This I did not know.

Yeah. :slight_smile:


Working on a bag design that will allow y’all to upload pictures for custom designs on the front panel, but that’s probably going to be generation 2, assuming there is a generation 1. The other thing I wanted to do was “choose your own colorway” but that would require some extra planning.

Thanks for the advice and feedback.


Awesome bag scraps business plans lol

I like the foam idea, I was thinking about that myself for the guys that wanted super extra protection.
Design and aesthetics wise, it’s not very inspiring to me.

If it was 30-50 bucks though, I’d cop that over the madcatz or Hori.

It’s 39.99 on Tho

FGC is very niche, but that’s why I like it. I honestly thought SF and fighting games in general were like other games that I’d played, but they aren’t.
I love Gran Turismo 5, but I don’t watch GT5 tournament streams at work. ducks to see if IT guy is watching

The streams, the youtube vids, the weekly competitions…that is all something that FGC folks came up with. There’s no big established corporation with deep pockets creating the community. Y’all did this on your own, cause you love the games. I played SF back in 91 like everyone else, even in a few tournaments back in college. (still a scrub though), but the fgc is bigger than what my local arcade scene was like.

I am very corporate in my regular life. FGC is not corporate.

I don’t need folks that don’t respect the FGC to buy my messenger bag. 4 Million people bought SF4, but only ~2500 watch the weekly streams. I want 1200 of those cats that are dedicated to the FGC to rock my bag. If I got more, that’d be awesome. If I only sold 100, i’d want it to be the 100 guys that have Ryu and Akuma tattoos, the dudes who failed an exam cause they spent the whole night making a combo vid.

In terms of advertising, SRK is #1, prolly hit the streams up, the tournaments, the other forums, the blogs, the podcasts, and some of the other forums. Funny thing is a lot of thsoe guys don’t respond to facebooks, twitters, or emails…but they’re always asking for sponsors and donations. FGC doesn’t need E-Sports, we just need to tighten up our own business. So many talented folks play sf, mvc, svc, mk…it’s just figuring out how to really combine and form up like voltron.

My ideal advertising would be to sponsor some players though. Assuming I can sell any, once I hit the 500 mark, I’d have enough in profits to send great players to tournaments and hook them up with some per diem. There are some cats in NYC that don’t have real sponsors but they’re really good. There are some cats in the midwest, atl, florida, and texas that don’t have sponsors and are really good.

I’d love for the FGC to be like skateboarding was in the 90’s. If you wore skate shoes, it was because you were a skater, not because you were fashionable. All the videos and companies were run by skaters. And everybody did okay. They couldn’t get on MTV cribs, but they could pay their rent. The X-games, tony hawks video games, and getting a shoe sponsorship changed all of that, some would say for the better…but that underground feeling that everyone had went down to a minority of folks.

All that to say, this business is about 2 things, First, providing the best fight stick bag in the business, Second, giving back to the FGC, which has given me so much entertainment over the past 3-4 years. Ideally the business is profitable so I can make the bags cooler, offer more choices and more customization, and sponsor some players that I think need to travel.


I skate too, and yeah, some may say it changed the industry and culture in a negative way, but at least more people are having fun doing it as a result. :smiley:

I skateboarded heavily during that time period where it was still seen as a nuisance in the 90s and early 2000s (and I still skateboard every now and then) and at one point, I had a sponsorship from a wheel company and a local skate shop but the thing is, I feel that as time went on and it was more accepted and more and more people became sponsored, everything got watered down and the focus was taken away from having fun and finding a spot to grind out new tricks. It became more and more about who could go bigger, do more, win more.