Back to the Danger Room with you (Storm Combo Thread)

Wow, I’m surprised this wasn’t made earlier. Either way, here’s where you post Combos of Ororo Munroe wreaking weather havoc with her combos.

Here’s a simplified version of her most famous combo. [media=youtube]UZ4YW-zPVmE[/media]

Ororo’s BnB:

c.:l:c.:m:c.:h::s: air:m: air:m: Lightning Attack x2 xx Lightning Storm

c.:l:c.:m:c.:h::s: air:m: air:m: air:s: Elemental Rage

c.:l:c.:m:c.:h: Whirlwind:h: xx Hailstorm (Ice Storm)

c.:l:c.:m:c.:h::s: air:m: air:m: air:h: air:s: Hailstorm


c.:l:c.:m:c.:h: Jump Cancel air:m: air:m: air:s::h::s: air:m: air:m: air:h: Lightning Attack x2 xx Lightning Storm

More to come…


haha, there’s a more complicated one. :]

Sooooooo I developed this awesome ass combo with Storm!!(corner) j.S c. L c.L c.M c.H (in air(m, m, h) c.M s.H c.H S (in air(m, m, h, lightning attack forward, lightning attack up-forward, lightning storm) 32 hit combo 495,500 and 500,000+ on sentinel with 1 c.L at the beginning! You can do it out of the corner with 1 c.L and using lightning attack accordingly!! Other people have probably already done this through experimenting…

please update the first post with combos
when looking for this type of stuff its better if in one easy to find place

we need more combos, i look at the magneto thread and it has 20-30 combos while we only have 2. I am a newbie and if people start posting then itd help me and other newcomers learn her combos :slight_smile:

s.L s.M s.H xx lightning attack forward to lightning storm (low scale)

these are bnbs ive been using

j.S, c.L, c.M, c.H, jc M, j.M, H, S, j.M, j.M, j.H, adf, j.S, land, Hail Storm


j.S, c.L, c.M, c.H, jc M, j.M, H, S, j.M, j.H, adf, j.M, j.H, Lightning Attack up-forward, Lightning Attack forward, Lightning Storm

or sometimes instead of doing jc M, j.M, H, S i do: jc Lightning attack df, M, H, S …etc… or just jc Lightning attack df, M, S

work midscreen and corner

Hey thanx i needed more but what’s adf :]?

adf=air dash forward

ooooh ok cool thnx dude!

corner combo i found

cr.l, cr.m, cr.h, j.m, j.m, j.h, s, j.m, j.m, j.h, lightning attack, lightning attack, lightning storm

any vids would also help :smiley:

YouTube - analogchalice’s Channel

I just updated my channel with a few new Storm joints, feel free to add them.

Can we stop fucking posting the same damn c LMH jc MMH combos. Does everyone have to post they’ve discovered the same shit and think it’s all theirs?

If you want to be useful post something different or better, and how much damage it does.

At the moment I am using c. LMH jc df LA, s. M jc df LA, s. MHS sj. MMH xx LAx3 xx super or MHS otg hail storm dhc. Get slightly less damage by about 1-10k by doing the otg hail storm, but you can get about 700k+ easily with a dhc into Dante guns for example. Can’t remember the exact combo damage but I believe it’s 540k roughly, if you end with LAx3 xx super. So it’s definitely not the best BNB, EmblemLord claims her bnb with 1 meter does 578k, but doesn’t transcribe it. All I’m seeing on her is the same damn crap.

Had a look at the trag loops, and the d’nyce ones, but it looks as though you’re not really getting a significant amount more damage for the massive amount of effort put in. It’s also very discerning when playing around with her to find the fancier you get, ie. adding fly combos, air dash combos etc, you seem to get less damage, as though the more hits before Lightning Attacks the more scaling you end up with.

On a lot of characters you can do two reps of jumping forward :m: :m: :h: … >_>

How much extra damage does this give? Is it worth it?

great damage against Sentinel corner and anyone else jM instant overheads (maybe only him I didnt try it on anyone else):

jMMS s.MH c.HS j.MMH airdash H uf LAx3 lightning storm

VERY discerning. I’ve been practising this combo today [media=youtube]yHpVhCwOLro&feature=feedu[/media] and i’m pretty sure it does significantly less damage than cr.l, cr.m, cr.h, s, j.m, j.m, j.h, s, hail storm.

i can’t do the magneto loop yet because i’m new to the whole marvel thing and all that…but like i’m starting to wonder if even that is made pointless due to damage scaling (although having said that i think that loop is the only way you can combo into his magnetic tempest).

Although damage scaling is a bad motivator to learn longer combos. You should have strive to know them at least even if you won’t use them in real matches.

  1. You’ll build extra meter.
  2. Do more damage for no meter usage.
  3. Raise your execution standards – if you can do high hit complex combos in training you’ll have the confidence to never drop your bread and butters in a real match.
  4. Their fun to do.

Some characters can start with 1 meter and gain enough meter in the combo for a level 3 at the end(which doesn’t scale at the end). Even though storm does not have a level 3, having extra meter for hailstorms+DHC is great anyway.

Something to think about is self building combos to get free snapbacks to get problem characters out first and taking advantage of the mixup options of incoming characters.

Question here, off any combo in the air that I finish with S can I combo into hail storm? What other ways can hail storm be combo’d into?