Axis Gaming: $3000 in prizes: May 10th 2008: SF Bay Area


** DOORS WILL NOW OPEN EARLIER AT** 1:30 PM for Casuals and Registration, Tournaments will Still Start @ 3:00.

** I WILL SAY IT AGAIN:** TOURNAMENTS WILL START AT 3:00, Once the brackets are finalized and matches are played, you **CANNOT REGISTER **
Its 3pm on a Saturday, I know how gamers are…I made it specifically at 3pm so you could wake up at noon and make it on time even if you live a long ways away, complaining about being late will not get you anywhere, so be on time! kthx <3

Hey Guys,
I know this might be out of place (since its nor cal) but there has been a lot of expressed interest from people all over (and people telling me to post it here as well) so i decided to go for it.

UPDATE! March 31st!

If you are planning on coming please let us know in our guest list thread, this will help us out a ton! Thanks!

Axis Gaming Guest List Thread:

Hey Guys,
This is Travis from Axis Gaming, and were proud to announce
that we are going to be hosting our first tournament!

When: Saturday, May 10th 2008, Approx 3pm Door Open Time, Tournaments
and Pickup Games will go all day into the night. (tons of fun stuff to play)

Where: The Grange Hall, 743 Diablo Rd. Danville CA 94526

Games: Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike (PS2), MvC2 (DC), CvS2 (PS2)

[COLOR=Yellow]** 1st Place:** $500 and a Custom Arcade Stick by Axis Gaming
** 2nd Place:** $200
** 3rd Place:**[/COLOR] $100

** Prizes are Compliments of Patelco Credit Union, visit**

If you open a FREE Patelco Savings account the Day of the tournament they will start you off with $10 in your account for FREE!

** There will be 3 independent prize sets for EACH of the above games, so if you win all 3 you win $1500 and 3 arcade sticks!**

** Entry Fee:** $15 per Tournament, $40 if you play in all 3
Register beforehand for all 3 games via paypal or credit card and get another $5 off your complete order. ($35 for all three games, available to pre-registered players ONLY)
** Online Registration can be found here:**
If you are coming a large distance I HIGHLY RECOMMEND PRE-REGISTERING, I would hate to see us hit capacity and have to turn people away.

** Registration/Venue Fee:** FREE - Compliments of AxisGaming

Tournaments Will be double elimination brackets, standard game sets 2of3, 3of5 during finals.


Bring your friends for the Food, Door Prizes, and Pickup games!

** Game Groups:**Have a club or crew you play games with? Pre-Register your Crew to get discounts and special deals!
Some Rules and Restrictions May Apply: E-Mail for more information.

Check Out AxisGaming.orgfor More info! (Updated Almost Every Day!)

i think this needs to be stickied.

agreed :wgrin:

To all marvel players that are thinking about coming, housing is not a problem

do you got room for me and 3 lital friends (3 ziplock sandwhich bags)? :rofl:

wad up my kigga!

Bump for 24 Hr Countdown! :rock: