Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite killed the brand name.
Also, Capcom hasn’t produced any memorable character or license in years.
If Marvel gains back full control of the X-Men rights, they should do an AVENGERS VS X-MEN fighting game, as the successor (whether is Capcom involved or not).
Twice the Marvel characters, and X-Men involvement granted.
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Hi Magegg
There is still hope, I believe Capcom have learned from the existence DBFZ.
The problem with Marvel vs Avenger thing it would be under disney, then it would be just a Marvel game that is probably the designed game just be a market for kids with a priority to sell merchandise just like disney infinity or way around if not toys it would be cards.
and with that market scope they probably make a smash game like instead not a typical generic FG fighter along SNK, Namco and Capcom titles.
I am not sure, The_Shakunetsu. Disney lets Western developers make games like that. If they were to give Capcom access again to their IP’s, I think they know what kind of game to expect from Capcom.
But no Avengers VS X-men, that story was a piece of crap. Make it The X-men VS The Avengers

Thanks for the insight, Yup I do believe the same if it is still with Capcom to be given access for there iP it would still be the same technical depth of MARVEL vs Capcom game we are familiar with.
But if it lands to a non-FG traditional publisher it probably end up a party game like smash or power stone either with kiddie graphics or dark adult themes with as strong merchandise tie-in.
Makes me remember this titles
The least better was the attempt for Xmen FGs in PSX from Activion’s yet those were the glory and trendy days of FGs unlike now that game trends is more into cinematic, cooperative and chaos.
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I’m not talking about the story. Just the X-Men and the Avengers as the two halves of the roster in a new fighting game.
And if it works out, the sequel could be a “Secret Wars” fighting game, including the Fantastic Four and many other various Marvel characters non-Avengers or X-Men affiliated.
Marvel can make X-men games any time they want. There is no license restricting them.
They can but they won’t.
Marvel’s directives say they shouldn’t “promote” characters they don’t fully control… and that’s the reason why there weren’t X-Men or Fantastic Four characters on MvC:I.