Avengers Assemble! MvC3 Captain America Assist/Team Thread

In this thread we’ll discuss who has good synergy with cap and strategies for assist usage among other team building theorycraft!

Obviously, not much information to work with now, but this will progress as we go!

Reserved 1

Reserved 2

I bet Iron Man will

US Agent would be cool. Or Captain America/Iron Man/Nick Fury/War Machine.

This thread isn’t really meant to be a hypothetical what if scenario - it’s about who in the game has good synergy with captain and why.

i like super skrull and cap together. gonna post some vids tonight.

Dantarion Day 1 Team
My current team is CapAm(Shield Throw)/Sent(Drones)/Chun(Fireball)

My strategy is to call drones, tjiump L shield to cover the drone startup, rush in, start a blockstring, and either cartweel to the other side during drones, or back off and re-throw shield and recall drones.

It works pretty well, and you can even do…

Call Drones->c.A->c.B->Cartwheel->(blockstring while Drones 1 and 2 hit)->Cartwheel->(see if drone 3 hits)

Then you can finish the combo, or back off and throw L shield to push on pressure while you wait for more drones.

For DHC’s
Hyper Charging Star->Sentinel Ball thing->Chun Ball thing if I really want to

For Aircombos
Any Aircombo->Sentinel aircombo->Sent OTG BS->Sent Super

If I kill a character with Sent, I call in L sentinel force and tag in CapAm, which makes the tag relatively safe.

I rarely use Chun Assist, so I might change it to the legs assist to try to use it in combos.

This is off topic, but related to this team. Chun’s overhead+drones is amazing. Most people will crouch block the drones to try to duck under them. Sometimes the 3rd drone goes over the person. If you attack with chuns overhead, not only do they have to stand block, it may cross them up, providing not only a possible high low mixup, but a crossup at the same time.

Lol, team Civil War. Cap/Iron Man/Spidey :stuck_out_tongue:

i had fun with arthur dagger assist just like he had fun with sent drones assist - same exact concept except probably worse.

I also used hulk for the anti-air assist, but I’m guessing I’m going to switch that out for somebody else as the game progresses for now it’s just too fun to do C S B B C S gamma tsunami lol fat damage with super armor is silly

my captain was actually my weakest link but me and a buddy spent some time in training mode and I got some nice things down.

The iron man assist works very well to cover the karacartwheel approach (can we call cartwheels CW from now on? cartwheel is such an irritating word to write lol)

but man i am DIGGING that hyper charging star. A lot of characters try to do hypers to cover their tag outs for a dhc of chip or WHATEVER and cap nails them out of everything with that move (except the FIRST hit of chris’s lol)

I even went straight through ammy’s hyper with HCS

To add onto the crazyness.

With Sentinel, if my opponent is spamming laggy stuff and I needto tag, I call in Hyper Sentiniel Force, then DHC into Hyper Charging Star.

Even if Hyper Charging Star doesn’t hit, it nullifies the spam while Hyper Sentinel Force hits, and allows me to safely tag in CapAm and do some damage or chip.

Firstly, can we not use more abbreviations? Lol. We’re starting to stack abbreviations on top of every other thing out there. It’ll confuse the newer players, I’m sure. How about we just call it the “Flip” (that’s such a strange word, now that I look at it). Since technically it’s called “Backflip”. “Flip” would work out better than throwing an abbreviation of what it’s not even called lol. Trust me, it’ll be better this way, less confusion.

Anyway, I’ve been mulling over the thought of using Arthur as an assist myself, but, you see, I’m not the keepaway type. I’d fall asleep on myself were I to jump to the back of the screen and lob projectiles all day. I was thinking something along the lines of Hsien-Ko and her Pendelum swing.

With her Dark Force super armor, I’m pretty sure that the pendelum swing assist would be pretty good to flip along with and it could interrupt people’s attacks. But it’s dependent, I guess, on if I want to put up with using Hsien-Ko as an actual character. I don’t think she plays badly, she just plays oddly. I could probably make pretty good use of her attacks, but it’s one of those “things”.

Also, I’ve been thinking about Tron’s drill as an assist also. As Cap, I could throw out a string, call Tron, flip, and have them sandwiched between the drill and Cap and possibly some other shenanigans in there also. I’d have to see how fast Tron’s drill comes out though. Not only that, I feel like Tron could be a good point character, she has some “stuff” that would make her viable.

What do you guys think?

been using Cap, Chun, and Skrull for a few days now. Really digging the team, though I really need to work on my Chun :rofl: Still plan on experimenting with others as assists, but right now this team is really fun.

EDIT: I’ve also been messing around with Arthur’s fire bottle assist (with gold armor) seems good, but need to play around with it more.

I’ve been using captain/Zero with saber uppercut and been switching between chun li/dormammu for their projectiles.

Captain america is suprisingly good and I am glad he is. I always liked him in the comics.

Not to sound like a fanboy… but I think Team Avengers could work.
Iron Man and Thor both have projectile assists, which help Capt. get in, which is a good thing. Also, Charging Star assist goes through about everything, especially Doom’s Rocks, which gives Thor a hard time.
They all DHC pretty well. I was able to do HCS > Proton Cannon > Thor’s Magneto-Like attack (not sure what it’s called). Though I’d probably put Thor second if I could do it again.
If they all appear strong enough on the tier list, Team Avengers may take off. Would be funny to read a report about someone shouting “AVENGERS! ASSEMBLE!” before a match.

avengers team works well enough but charging star assist doesn’t break projectiles like the normal one does - and i wouldn’t use both for the beam super. I’ve been messing around with a combination of unibeam and mighty smash although both mighty smash AND smart bombs seem to be too slow for most of cap’s OTG potential moments. sad face

i’m sure i can use it differently to get OTG though

Hm… would Stars n Strips be better for Capt. then?
Also, I may play around with Thor for a while. He’s powerful, but his assists seem slow. I’m agreeing that Unibeam is awesome on Iron Man, however. I’ll try our Mighty Smash as well.

stars and stripes has no invulnerability. as crappy as shield slash seems at first - it’s actually a REALLY useful assist because of how the hits are spaced apart.

Okay, I’ll test that out.
Captain America - Shield Slash
Thor - Mighty Smash
Iron Man - UniBeam

Something like that?

Shield Slash should be the only assist people choose if they’re picking Cap. His other assists just aren’t worth it and the assists do not carry the same properties as the normal moves, so Shield Slash is the only viable option as the other two are too dangerous to toss Cap in harm’s way for.