Captain will typically optimize combos best solo during the middle points and your only real way to eek out more damage is assist early on and as enders (cept hawkeye poison arrow…that’s sexy in combos). To crack 850k starting with 0.5 meter you’re gonna need fancy tech like hard tag combos, DHC tech, or the missiles relaunch.
You can use vergil early in the combo, but typically i only use that when i botch a proper corner combo and need it to convert OTG qcf+L to get my relaunch. I do however use two different enders based on opponents health. If I know they’ll die after the hyper w/ vergil extension I will opt for that over missiles, since I get more meter gain before I kill them. Do:
• BnB (corner now)j.S, land, rapid assist, qcf+L, S, qcb+L(must TK this so cancel from S), qcb+H, qcb+ATKATK.
(If you can’t do the TK just do qcb+H, qcb+ATKATK)
So CS H + rapid options:
• midscreen block CS H (far from corner) - after the block, wave dash in and throw a shield slash.
• midscreen block CS H (near corner) - after the block, wave dash in an attempt to attack with a normal or throw a shield slash.
• corner block CS M (near corner) - after the block, attack with a normal or throw a shield slash.
• midscreen hit CS H (far from corner) - after hit, wave dash FAST (3x or 4x!), S, combo… OR CS H again as they fall and go into hyper if too far away. (I need to explore if i can dash a few times and throw a shield slash instead for better consistency)
• midscreen/corner hit CS H (near corner) - after hit, wave dash if needed, s.HS, combo…
I am really trying to get a good video going to show everyone, unfortunately my streamed footage has been riddled with some embarrassing dropped combos and some severe salt over it…so hopefully with luck I’ll have something soon. I will hopefully be working with Team Hitbox to showcase a Captain tutorial that covers much of what I talk about in the combos section OP. I may also request the mod to allow me to create a new team thread with the same treatment I gave the combo thread to create detailed synergy and build ideas for Cap. Right now I feel a lot of people use very solid pairings with Cap, but I’m often finding holes in their strategy with all 3 characters. I’ve had ideas for more optimal teams with Cap and feel he’s much more than j.qcf+L and assist + roll. Despite the simplicity of the character he has unique tools that make him very strong, but you have to respect his flaws in neutral game match ups.