^^^ A-FUCKING MEN! :tup:
An update:
The avatar challenge battle will…continue as planned!
We’re now up to 6 avatars total, and they keep rolling in. Thank you guys for coming through at the eleventh hour (well, the day before, anyway…)
P.S.: The quality of these avs far surpasses the last group. you guys rock.
…though I am still waiting for avs from some key players…ahem you know who you are…
you have been pm’ed
that’s what’s up :karate:
ahh man, you should let him in just for keeping this thread funny!
I’m going to put forth the notion that someone makes a little logo for taggers to put on their avatar. Kinda like an tagger’s guild badge or something. I think it would be neat.
Oh, and since this is supposed to be a blind pick, you can also get some GGXX#R background art here: http://www.newwavemugen.com/~xenozip/
Since some one already asked about 3S backgrounds… You know, just to keep things anonymous.
There’s also some A3 and Garou:MotW backgroudns available via search.
sounds good :pleased:
well good luck to you, and everyone else :tup: :tup:
I’ve gotten another entry, which brings us up to 7.
man, these are really looking great.
keep 'em coming, those of you who haven’t turned one in yet! (you know who you are!)
…I wish I could enforce some sort of penalty for signing up and not sending in an entry, but all I can think of is not letting you enter one in the next contest, but that’s fucked up because 1. if you didn’t send one in this time, you’re probably not gonna send one in next time either, and 2. the participation is so low, I need every av I can get.
Ill finish it right now i guess
k quiche read pm biatch
dammit…quit calling me biatch.
late entry…
I submitted mine just after midnight pacific time. I know that’s past the deadline but I’m hoping that, maybe, you can still include it. I was really over-tired and hungry while making it but I really wanted to enter the battle and I wasn’t going to give up :karate:. So, if you could stick it in that would be really awesome.
It’s been a long time since I’ve been in imm and since I’ve made anything in ps. This is so fun :wgrin: + lol @ kensavenge (I was literally laughing out loud about that)
If, by any strange chance, someone is reading this who was left waiting for an av in my old request thread, I just want to say I’m really, really sorry :sad:. I was moving at the time and then I didn’t have my main computer or an internet connection for a long time (approx. April to late July.) So, I apologize for just kind of dissapearing. If anyone still wants an av from me, just send me an im and I’ll be more than happy to do it.
It’s in. The Tuesday night deadline was just a formality to get you people to turn it in on time, the actual deadline was this morning, when I posted the contest (which, btw, is HERE.)