The first one has been turning out kinda fucked up, so some major changes have been made to the rules for this one. New rules will be bolded for those of you who know the rules from last time.
Anyone who wants to compete just has to PM an avatar to me by Tuesday night (09/20/05). The voting will begin on Wednesday morning (to give enough time to let the current contest finish up). Once I’ve collected all the avatars, I’ll post them, and **the 5 judges will choose their 3 favorites each, and rank them 1, 2, 3. Scores will be tallied, and the winners will receive prizes.
1st Prize: 2 months of SRK Premium membership
2nd Prize: 1 month of SRK Premium membership**
Here are the rules:
1: It must be a new avatar. Do not PM me an avatar that people have already seen, or you will be disqualified. This means that you are not allowed to show the av around before the battle starts in a week. They should all be unveiled simultaneously at the start of the comp.
**2: No artists are allowed to reveal to anyone which avatar is theirs. Any artists caught leaking such information will be disqualified. Of course, some styles are recognizable, so some judge recognition is inevitable.
3: Shatterstar may NOT suggest ideas to you this time, as he is a judge, and it would help him figure out which avatar belongs to which artist.**
4: No one is allowed to wear an av in the competition until AFTER the voting is completed.
5: One avatar per artist, please.
6: The avatar must be within premium-size requirements. That means the maximum size is 160 x 100 and 48.8 kb.
7: No pornography or innapropriate material. You guys know this…
Evil Morrigan
All avatars entered MUST contain a Shoryuken, be it the word ‘shoryuken’, the abbreviation, “SRK”, a reference to the site (SRK.com…duh!), or a visual representation of the move itself (shoryu reppas, shin shos, shoryu-cannons, etc. are ok)
All avatars must contain some sory of Booty/Boobies. Of course, no pornography is allowed, but some sory of boobage/cleavage/rumpaliciousness must be present.
All avatars must contain sprites. These sprites can be from any game, or be fanmade or edited sprites, as long as they’re sprit-ey.**
Avatars making fun of OrangeCat get 1 extra point added to their tallies.
That is all. Good luck!