[Aug 20, 2011] S.O.S Gamers Charity Tournament "Dream Match" (NY, NY)

[INDENT=1]We would like to welcome everyone back to another S.O.S Gamers Charity Tournament. We hope to see everyone at this upcoming event. Other goals we plan on achieving, is for more gamers to be aware of our foundation and to be more involved in charitable efforts. For th…ose who cant make it to this event and would like to donate via online, go to our website: sosgamers.org and click the donate button. See everyone soon!!![/INDENT]

[INDENT=1]Gaming Charitably Presented by S.O.S Gamers[/INDENT]

[INDENT=1]Tournament start Time: 2pm[/INDENT]

[INDENT=1]Warm-up time: 12:30pm[/INDENT]

[INDENT=1]Date: Aug 20th, 2011[/INDENT]

[INDENT=1]Location: Stone Creek Bar & Lounge[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]140 E. 27th. St. (Btwn 3rd & Lex)[/INDENT]

[INDENT=1]Games:Super Street Fighter 4 AE 1v1 for Xbox 360 & MvC3 for Xbox360[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Winner can only change Ultra[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Loser can change Character[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Winner must stick with team and assits[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Loser can change team[/INDENT]

[INDENT=1]Matches: Will be best 2/3 matches[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Time: 99 seconds[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Damage: Medium[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Double Elimunation[/INDENT]

[INDENT=1]Cash Prizes: Top 3 Payout[/INDENT]

[INDENT=1]1st place (70%)[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]2nd place (20%)[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]3rd place (10%)[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1](If less than 16 ppl enter for either event it be WINNER TAKE ALL)[/INDENT]

[INDENT=1]Tournament fee: $10(SSF4AE & MvC3[X360])[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]Door fee: $10[/INDENT]
[INDENT=1]$5 Drink Deal (with any carbonated and/or fruit juice drink purchase you get 2 free refills)[/INDENT]


[INDENT=1]Stick Rental = $2[/INDENT]


[INDENT=1]For updates during the event follow us on twitter: @SOSGamersInc[/INDENT]

[INDENT=1]DIRECTIONS: Take the “6 Train” to 28 Street Park Avenue South get off and walk to 27th street then head between 3rd and Lexington Avenue. The Lounge is closer to Lexington Avenue than 3rd Avenue.[/INDENT]

[INDENT=1]Facebook Site: SosGamers Charity | Facebook[/INDENT]

[INDENT=1]Our Site: sosgamers.org[/INDENT]


[INDENT=1](ask for Blaine and I more likely know what the call is about )[/INDENT]

[INDENT=1]Here’s the result from the last event “Fight for a Cause!!”[/INDENT]

1st - TS Sabin
2nd - Adnan
3rd - Chris G/ ScrubMastaK (long story)
5th - ChocoLemon
5th - MannyO
7th - MarcS
7th - MarkR
9th - EMP RoyalLance
9th - CapaomHero
9th - DisaKnight
9th - Kenny
13th - Jason

1st - EMP SmoothViper
2nd - EMP EvilRahsaan
3rd - MegaManSteve
4th - ChrisG
5th - flux
5th - Cody
7th - Darko
7th - Phonor
9th - MannyO
9th - JimmyP
9th - Steve J
9th - MikeU
13th - MarcS

Update: Please for the love of everything holy on this Earth bring you own controller also no wireless pad/sticks!

me and my brother had a great time last. you guys even had an awesome dj there. we’ll be coming to this also what was the name of that dj again and will he be there again his set was insane.

His name is DJ Crash u can look him up on facebook and some of his work is dl/able on his page. I hope to see u guys again.

thx for the info

I’m definitely going to this! It’ll be my first tournament since winning a few DOA2 tournaments WAAAAY back. I played in Tekken and SC2 tournaments too, but never won. I would have played VF3 tournaments if there were any, lol.

hope to see you Azure and a bunch of new and old faces there. also i reposted the result from the last event in case no one saw them in the result thread i made or if anyone is curious bout them.

only a week left till…

oh i can’t wait for this.

48 hours till Dream Match

ok guys this is happening tomorrow just remember if you’re coming to this and want to drink booze bring your damn ID. also your OWN JOYSTICKS!! for the love of god bring your own joysticks NO FUCKING WIRELESS.

a taste from what to expect from our DJ Cr4sh tomorrow

good new folks it looks like we have someone to stream this event. i’ll post up as soon as i get more details so stay tuned

I’m impressed with myself! I made it to the top 5!