Attn Guy Players: Masters of Bushinryu Time to level up!

Hey guys, we’ve launched a collaborative think tank on fb to address issues with Guy. We will discuss tech, strategies, and best practices in all the character matches. We will have input from some very high level guy players, and the community as a whole will constantly tweak and add on to the guide. We’ll keep it concise and up to date. We welcome all guy players, those just starting out as well as those who have a solid command of the character. We welcome alt guys and main guys. Come join us and feel free to post your highlight/salt videos of guy play, ask questions, rant about your hard match ups… or just start any guy related discussion you want to. We’ll give each other feedback and level up together as a community. If you end up on stream at a local or major, post that too so we can watch, root for you, and give you split second advice on the thread via comments. Time to take this character to the next level. Here’s the link, see you there.

Already on there :coffee: