ATTENTION: San Diego Fighters! Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike Tournament on October 7th!

Hey guys, I’m with and we are kicking off fighting game tournaments every Friday starting on October 7th at the Microsoft Store in Fashion Valley. Event sign-ups start at 5pm every Friday in October.

**Free entry and Free Prizes :smiley: **Optional cash prize tournament with entry fee.

The first game featured will be Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike. We will also have Marvel vs. Capcom 3, and Street Fighter II as well if there is interest in the game.

Questions comments?

We hope to see some of you there as there is a lot of competitive players who attend our events, currently.

xbox i assume? what kind of tv is the tourney being played on? what is the format for the tournament?

  1. ryan
  2. dander
  3. wuziq
  4. Viscant
  5. Tapebot

sticks allowed? I work in FV and everytime I go to the store to ask about a tournament no one knows anything.