Attempted murder via doody-juice injection...? Yep

This is too good… yes, I think it deserved a threat all on its own. Sometimes, the entertainment value of things in the news goes way beyond regular movies and television…this is one of those times, at least for me. This right here… this is an early front-runner for news story of the year.

I’m assuming she was using her own “material” here… I’m curious as to how much she planned to inject. Another syringe was said to have “fluid” in there… that was probably her piss, though I doubt that is as dangerous as an injection of shit-juice. Interesting that she did not go for a regular poison…opting to get creative instead and use shit juice. She probably took a laxative, I’m guessing…making sure to produce a large amount. Discuss.

That would be a shitty way to die.

Did she use one of @Million’s sought-after poop sculptures?

That motherfucker clearly doesnt have any editing skills in the slightest, and Im very curious as to how she even got a job reporting shit like this. The first 10-15 lines are the exact same sentences/information, just worded differently.

Holy shit

How the hell did she expect to get away with this? They would check the IVs at some point in the future if he went into cardiac arrest. The nurses would know that they definitely did not shit into this man’s bloodstream. I don’t know how she got the shit into the hospital, but I’m suspecting she has an ample pile of it in between her ears.

Should’ve just loaded a gun with a poop bullet and shot him.

Another reason to never get married. It’s a shitty institution.

more surprised its not florida than some1 actually doing it, lol

but really, did she poop in a jar to get it or did she just poop in her hand and put it in the IV?

Not surprised that Million posted this.

“You thought that other stuff was good? Nah, nigga, you ain’t seen nothing yet. This right here… is the shit.” - guy selling Doody Juice to crackhead

Going to have a really awful time in prison too, given that everyone will know she’s a stool pigeon.

They do this in prison.

He’d rather have a buffalo take a diarrhea dump in his ear…!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_635/feces1n-3-web.jpg

Funny that it happened in this place, considering that she probably has none.

Somebody should have told her that in marriage you have to divorce the other person, not dump them…

Saw thread title

Thought “did Million start this thread?”

Clicked thread



They would check the IVs at some point in the future if he went into cardiac arrest. The nurses would know that they definitely did not shit into this man’s bloodstream. I don’t know how she got the shit into the hospital, but I’m suspecting she has an ample pile of it in between her ears.

The shit people try these days…

In soviet Russia, SHIT CREEK IS UP YOU!!

She would’nt piss on him if he was on fire, but shitting…?

Arrested for attempted Bukkake.

Death by Diarreaha…almost.

Some people talk shit. Some people back that shit up…into your veins.

If this shit had worked, would DAT ASS…become a murder weapon?

That’s it for now.
