According to Max’s latest video, the current attack button layout seems to be
I’m kind of saddened by this because I thought UMvC3’s layout worked well. The problem with MvC2’s layout is that without a raw M button, the neutral game is reliant on just 2 types of pokes (fast and slow). There is no in between.
Would you want MvC2 layout, MvC3’s layout, TvC’s layout or MvC1’s layout?
I don’t know… I still think there should be a balance between a stubby fast limb and a long reaching sluggish one when poking in neutral. I would take either UMvC3’s or MvC1’s.
I think LP/HP/LK/HK arguably offers pretty good variety for potential pokes. Just because it’s a ‘light’ kick doesn’t mean that the standing LK can’t be like a K’ style poke. Gives some particular buttons, especially kicks, a real purpose where in MvC2 a lot of characters had four buttons and about three actual normals.
I never found out how mvc3 layout was, I only played xmen vs SF and that was the regular 6 button jab,strong,fierce on top and short,forward,roundhouse below. How was umvc3? How many punches and kicks?
Yep, mvc2 blackheart couldn’t do air mp which was great in MSH :mad: but mvc2 blackheart became pretty much all about lk and demons so meh
mvc1 layout also makes more sense cause you don’t need any assist buttons for this game anyway, there’s no reason to scrunch up the attacks to 4 buttons to make room for assists
MvC3. Launch button is a god send and its much better with 4 buttons on pad than 6. One of the shoulder buttons can be Tag, another shoulder button to activate the Gems.