Atlanta Revival: Calm Before the Storm February 26th, 2011 Atlanta, GA

When we said we will stay consistent this year we meant it! And we?re back again for another chapter of Atlanta Revival. For those of you who missed last month you missed a really hyped event! We had over 64 participants the attend from all over just for Street Fighter IV alone. And Yes, the 3rd Strike madness will be back. This will also be the first tournament in GA to present to you a Marvel vs Capcom 3 tournament. This is indeed be the calm before the storm as it will be one of the last tournaments in Georgia where all of us can see where we stand and what we need to improve on for Final Round in March! And this time we will have a stream unlike last month. If you filled out the Impact Clash/Atlanta Revival text message list information at the last tournament make sure to opt into our text message program when you receive the invite.

When: February 26th, 2011

Georgia World Congress Center
285 Andrew Young International Blvd., NW
Atlanta, Georgia 30313-1591

Room C208

Door fee: $10

Spectator fee: $5

10 a.m. begins registration
12:30 p.m. registration end
1 p.m. tournament begins

Running late? Call us or text us at 404-954-0243

Bring your own Controller/Stick

If you bring a setup your door fee is waived. Please guys we need a few setups to ensure a nice smooth tournament. If you plan on bringing a setup BE ON TIME once we hit our limit we will deny equipment waivers!

Riding Marta:
If you take Marta to the GWCC ride the train all the way to the GWCC/GA Dome/CNN train station. It’s one train station west of Five Points train station. When you get off the train go up the escalator and go to your left, up the stairs. Look to your right and you’ll see the GWCC buildling. It’s that simple.

Remember parking is $10 at the GWCC.

Live Stream will be at the tournament
Catch our live stream of the event at Impact_Clash on USTREAM: Streamers of video game fighting tournaments. :).

If you can’t make it we will have a stream up for all you stream monsters!

All games will be $10 entrance fee
Double Elimination
Standard tournament rounds (3 for 3D, 2 for 2D)
3/5 winners
3/5 losers
4/7 grand finals
Winner keeps same character/teams in ALL GAMES (except Brawl)

Click here to pre-register! It takes less than a minute! We want to make sure we have an accurate head count in case we need a bigger room. Last time only 30 people pre-registered but we had well over 100 people!

Click here to view the pre-registration list of those who’ve registered!
Tekken 6 $10
Playstation 3
Best 3 out of 5 matches
2 out of 3
No button mapping allowed (I.E. RP+RK)

Super Street Fighter IV: $10
Playstation 3
2 out of 3 matches
2 out of 3 sets
No button mapping (Except 3x Punch and 3x Kicks
Super Street Fighter IV Special Tournament $5
Playstation 3
2 out of 3 matches
2 out of 3 sets
No button mapping (Except 3x Punch and 3x Kicks)
Special conditions TBA (Possibly %50 health, new characters only or random select).
Marvel vs Capcom 3: $10
2 out of 3
Rules TBA

Marvel Vs Capcom 2: $5
2 out of 3 sets
Blazblue Continum Shift $10
Best 2 out of 3 matches
2 out of 3 sets
**Street Fighter III: Third Strike **$5
Best 2 out of 3 matches
Best 2 out of 3 sets
**Super Smash Bros: Brawl **$10
Rules will be posted in our Smash Boards Thread
Super Smash Bros: Melee $10
Rules will be posted in our Smash Boards Thread
Melty Blood (Japanese Playstation 2)
2 out of 3
Earth Stage
Winner keeps same character and moon phase
Rules may change at any time. Hope to see you guys there.

I thought SSFIV was going to be on XBOX this time around. Not that I’m complaining because I own a PS3 anyway.

I’m winning this. Holla.

Marvel 3 is going to be off the meter…

cvs2…lets run it back

C building this time??? fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…

There were no events going on in building A or B so it was the only building available that we could use. I haven’t been back to building C since Impact Clash 1. My oh my that was a long time ago, lol. Remember guys the closest deck to this location is the Red Deck.

Hey Mag can I propose the idea of having a GGAC tournament? I can guarantee a setup whether it be me or someone else from our crew bringing it. Last revival had a good amount of underplayed support, yet the PS2 was dedicated already. With Final Round coming up the GG players are voicing their hype for the return of this game.

I’ll post on DL to get more people for this.

there will be CvS2 tourney again as well

Platform confusion?

Someone plz officially confirm whether SSF4 is PS3 or 360 so I can know if I can participate or not. The site is kinda misleading right now. Plus I haven’t gotten with my tech guy on a good pad converter yet.

Missed the last one, but alabama is going to this one!

If I don’t start work or have to work at my new job that day, I’ll be providing a PS2 setup again & Ricky, I got your copy of CvS2 for you.
Melty Blood Actress Again rules if there’s a bigger turnout this time, if not, we’ll just do the round robin like last time which didn’t take long at all
2/3 pre-finals, 3/5 ALL finals sets
Winner has to stay same character but can change moon type if the opponent counter picks at all
Archtype Earth is BANNED

Hope to see everyone there!

It’ll be PS3 Pierre. It always is in GA unless it’s advertised & I played Gear for the first time this morning. As soon as I get the game, I’m picking it up, too fun.

Oh no!!! Not you again

@Dumba989: Okay, thank you. I was just throw off by Pokchop’s announcement that Reawakening was the last PS3 SSF4 tourney. Well now that it’s settled, I’m in!!

There WAS going to be a switch to 360 since we thought Evo was changing their standard over to 360. However, I spoke to Wizard himself and he said they will still be running on Playstation 3. Furthermore, if you take a look at the ten Evo qualifer events only two of ten of them are ran on Xbox 360. The other eight are all ran on Playstation 3. So, we made the decision to stick with Playstation 3 from now on because it would be a much easier transition in case if you guys wanted to go participate in bigger events like Evo or any of the other eight qualifers.

If you’re willing to post up and advertise the thread then that’s perfectly fine. I would rather someone in the community post it up since they will be much more trusting of it. But yeah, that’s perfectly fine.

Seconded. I can bring a setup, I apologize for not making the last one but I really wasn’t feeling good.

I’m not getting cheated by Jesus two Revivals in a row.

Interesting, I may be able to get there on time for SSF4. CvS2 gonna be Hype!.

You already switched your main you say, so there’s no way you can possibly get cheated this time…

MVC2 on DC or PS3?

MVC2 with plenty of sticks on hand