Just thought it would be nice to have a topic divorced from the general discussion and combos to talk about what to do once you actually get in. Fact is, her footsies aren’t that great so you need to stay in once you’re there, and her overheads are either unsafe as hell or blockable on reaction. Both are fairly slow and thus vulnerable to reversals and standard poking.
A lot of standard frame traps utilize fast jabs and pokes that give you an advantage on block. I don’t actually think that’s a good idea, as Asuka has T-Rex arms and pushing yourself out is the last thing you want to do. You don’t have very many ways to force a stand block, so the normal sweep throw isn’t that great. Thus I would say that you should use her chains and cancel into a counter if you suspect they’re mashing. This WILL lose to mashed SRKs, Flash Kicks and other Airborne reversals, but against jabs and the like it works well. Sadly her EX Sweep Throw does not have strike invincibility, so anyone mashing jabs will beat it out as well. Her only advantage on block moves are her :lp: cr:lp: (her cl:lp: does not share this property) Whiplash Toe Kick (b:mp: :mk:)
As to staying in and keeping pressure on, you can effectively stay in via her CADC. Any cancelable move that gives at least 22 frames of blockstun is enough for you to dash right back in their face. Leg Sweep for example, should be done 3 times, then canceled into a CADC; puts you at +1 frames of advantage. Whiplash Toe Kick leaves you at +5 frames of advantage if you do this. You can safely do a CADC on any move with 20 frames of blockstun, although that will leave you at a disadvantage should you dash forward (does not work against Julia or Zangief). Thus I see no reason not to go to the 3rd Leg Sweep unless your opponent does not have a 3 frame jab and you hope to frame trap by ending at neutral frames. Remember, with any cancelable normal you can make it safe by just letting the Oni rip if you don’t want to backdash, but you will be at -1 frames. You can also charge it to try and frametrap.
Thoughts or anything to add?