Heres a spreadsheet containing all of Asuka frame data spreadsheet includes other characters aswell.
+ Sweep throw lp/mp/hp/ex (even in the corner) : +25 normal / +36 roll (start to roll after 5 frames)
+ Oni ex : +97 normal
+ Sweep : +44 normal / +45 roll (start to roll after 14 frames)
+ Falling rain lp/mp/hp/ex : +62 normal / +73 (start to roll after 42 frames)
+ Leg cutter 3rd hit : +42 normal / +43 roll (star to roll after 12 frames)
+ Whiplash Sacred Blade : +50 normal / +51 roll (start to roll after 20 frames)
+ Raging storm lp/mp/hp : +76 normal / +77 roll (start to roll after 46 frames)
+ Raging storm ex : +113 normal (mid stage) /+108 normal (near the corner)/ +86 normal (the closest to the corner) / +97 roll closest to the corner (start to roll after 66 frames)
+ Oni after a juggle : +41 quick / +91 normal / +92 roll (start to roll after 61 frames)
+ Back Throw : +43 normal / +44 roll (start to roll after 13 frames)
+ Forward Throw : +54 normal / +65 roll (Start to roll after 34 frames)
+ Kariashi Shiranui (after leg cutter 3rd) : +23 quick / +73 normal / +74 roll (start to roll after 43 frames)
Note : You can notice that most of the time the frame advantage after a roll or a normal wake up is close (only one frame of difference). When it’ not the case that beacuse your opponent is knockdown facedown.
According to the bradygames, when it’s the case, Kazuya wake up slower that everyone (11 frames after)
When you opponent is faceup, only Ogre has a strange wake up. He is faster that everyone else by one frame
Another nice thing – after falling rain -> forward jump -> whiff jumping attack -> land, if you do f+MP immediately, you get a perfect meaty setup. +7 on hit, -4 on block – you can link low forward after the overhead if you want to, and you can’t be punished by 5-frame reversal spd/lariat. You have to do the jumping attack, otherwise the f+MP will whiff.
There’s plenty more mixup you can do from that setup, but that particular setup is worth mentioning because it’s the only setup for perfect meaty f+MP I know of, and it’s also easy.
R-D: After Knockdown Frame Data