So. First time creating a thread. Go me. Might as well make it important, right? Sure.
4/10/2012: added videos for teams: Lili, Ryu, Rolento, Kuma, Julia, Asuka, Raven, Ibuki, Zangief, Akuma, Hugo, King, Law, Ogre, Steve, Claw, Jin
Added some of Yoshi’s weaknesses.
I’m going to keep this updated as much as possible, and try and fill in info for characters that you guys aren’t using for three reasons: A) to increase my knowledge of all characters B) in case I find something interesting/abuse-able/otherwise noteworthy for those characters C) learning other characters will help me to strategize with Yoshi not only partnering with the characters, but also fighting against them.
However, there are a lot of characters in the game, and I’m not going to be proficient in using all of them, so please post any info you have with your teams, or link to any videos where you see Yoshi and friends. I’ll try and decipher or elaborate info including optimal combos and the like.

Friends are Fun!
[LEFT]If your main character isn’t Yoshi, and you’re in this forum you’re likely asking the question:[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Why is Yoshi a good teammate?[/LEFT]
[LEFT]For which I will have more elaborate answers later, but for now: picture related.[/LEFT]

Short answer: Specials that keep the opponent standing for multiple hits
[LEFT]Long answer: Specials that keep the opponent standing for multiple hits. Mainly windmill.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Why is windmill spectacular? First, it is his charge move, meaning you can dash cancel it anytime or charge to Ex/super. Because it is so strong, especially against characters that don’t have a projectile or any decent ways to advance without dashing/using a ground move to advance/jumping forwards, you can keep the opponent scared to get hit (or even block) windmill, and charge up to Ex to store a counter-hit fairly easily as you teleport around.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]It reaches nearly 3/4 screen punishing any whiffed normals, the opponent walking forwards, helps you catch people jump-backing into the corner, etc. It loses/trades to deep jump-ins, cross ups, jump backs, and projectiles (a few different possible trades with projectiles in close/mid range). However, it also builds a ton of meter whether it hits or is blocked. If it hits, you have plenty of time and options to do what you like with your partner character: start a combo that ends with a boost chain>launcher bringing Yoshi back in, or finish a big damage combo with that character. Some characters can charge their special to Ex or charge Ex to super. I believe all charge times are universal, but the startup of the supers are different, so some may not work. On block, wait until windmill is just about over, and then set up the mix up of your choice.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Special moves Slap U Silly and Stone Fists also hit multiple times and are useful for switch cancels because of it. Their EX versions have armor, so eat up a jump-in, and if you have a second meter tag in your partner for some easy, big damage. This usually ends up being a far better use for incurring damage through use of meter than through a super. The trade off is whether you want more damage that is recoverable, or less damage that isn’t recoverable.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Gehosen (SRK) launches the opponent into the air and can be switch canceled to continue the combo. EX Gehosen is also a pretty good anti-air and his alpha counter is basically the same.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Poison breath can keep up with single-hit projectiles from long range, but has trouble reacting up close. Lk poison breath is the fastest, while HK poison breath comes out the slowest, but results in a crumple on hit. Ex poison breath also causes crumple, and should be used to set up resets (not for loop combos, seriously).[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Triple Roundhouse is a fun looking situational juggle (check out Vulcan Hades Juri videos below for ideas).[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Yoshi is great at setting up potential damage for his partners. He can teleport around, and is unconventional and therefore able to surprise his opponents, even is he is often unsafe. Your goal in learning Yoshi is to learn his range, when to teleport, when to troll and punish with windmill, when to troll and punish with flea stance> headbutt, and how to condition your opponent for your mixups when you do get in. See the other threads for that info.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]While you’re in here, you’re probably wondering:[/LEFT]
[LEFT]What are Yoshi’s weaknesses?[/LEFT]

Seppuku: Ending an inevitable Time-out loss with honor
[LEFT]Yoshi can have some trouble getting in. He relies on mixups and often conditioning your opponent. He strives to be in the mid-range where his windmill is effective, as are most of his medium pokes. If you are playing Yoshi as the first character, you have to learn how to deal with bad matchups without meter, and be able to build your meter for a damaging tag/switch cancel combo while you do it. As Vulcan Hades points out, you’ll need to suck it up and take losses while you learn how to deal with all your matchups.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Yoshi’s fastest normal is 4 frames. There are plenty of moves that are faster and mashable on wakeup to beat your light normals. Therefore you have to get accustomed to waiting, baiting and punishing whiffed normals or specials. Yoshi’s teleports make this a bit easier than it sounds. If your j.hp is blocked, if you teleport off the blockstun on a shoto or a julia/hwoarang srk, they’ll be mashing and whiff. Of course as you get into higher level play you’ll have smarter opponents, but teleporting in the right direction or distance will be safe as you disappear, but not as you reappear.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Be sure to check out the matchup thread for more in depth strategy, and if you don’t see any info for the matchups you’re concerned about then ask about it or let us know what you’re getting destroyed by. We need all the info we can get![/LEFT]
[LEFT]So with this main post I’m going to compile info per teammate in the appropriate spoilers, and reserve the second post for videos with each teammate, also in spoilers. I’m gonna separate both into Street Fighter and then Tekken characters respectively, in alphabetical order.[/LEFT]
[LEFT]Street Fighter Teammates[/LEFT]
[LEFT][spoiler= Akuma][/details]
Balrog (Boxer)
[LEFT][spoiler= Cammy][/details]
Chun Li
[LEFT][spoiler= Dhalsim][/details]
[LEFT][spoiler= Hugo][/details]
[spoiler=Juri]Wreiteup by Vulcan Hades (videos in post 2):
Juri covers almost all of Yoshimitsu’s weaknesses. She has great damage output, great anti-airs, good zoning and counter zoning tools. So basically if there’s a matchup where Yoshimitsu struggles I can just tag Juri in and she’ll take care of those zoners.
Yoshimitsu has SlapUSilly, Stone Fists, Windmill, EX Poison Breath, EX Suicide and EX SlapUSilly. All of which keep the opponent standing. So his main role is basically to setup Juri’s ambiguous crossup pressure. Yoshi is also great at carrying the opponent into the corner (EX SUS, teleport when self cornered) where Juri really shines and rapes people very hard.
In addition, they are both able to build a lot of meter very quickly so they always have a way to remain safe on block or deal 450+ damage on hit.
Average damage output:
Meterless: 300-350 dmg
1 bar: 410-450 dmg
2 bars: 460-550 dmg
3 bars: 500-560 dmg
It’s not really practical to use more than 1 meter for a combo unless it’s going to kill, get you a time out or carry the opponent into the corner where Juri rapes. Using 1 bar equals 450-478 guaranteed damage and you build back a full bar of meter in the process.
Yoshimitsu has many special moves that keep the opponent standing so it’s often better to go for resets instead of very long combos because they deal 300-370 guaranteed damage for 1 bar and can potentially lead to 300 more. That’s a total of 600-700 damage for 1-2 bars which is better than the best Cross Art in the game. But the best thing about it is that you build back a full bar of meter in the process. So even if my reset fails I still get something out of it (meter building/pressure).
+Great synergy (tag combos and reset potential).
+Fast meter building.
+Air control and ground control.
+Good mid-range and keep away game (easy to run away when you have life lead).
+Very easy to carry the opponent into the corner where Juri rapes.
+Juri covers Yoshimitsu’s weaknesses pretty well.
-Yoshimitsu doesn’t really cover Juri’s bad matchups.
[LEFT]-They both have low health which means you can die very quickly if you’re not careful.[/details]
[LEFT][spoiler= M.Bison (Dictator)][/details]
[LEFT][spoiler= Rolento][/details]
[LEFT][spoiler= Ryu][/details]
[LEFT][spoiler= Vega (Claw)][/details]
[LEFT]Tekken Teammates[/LEFT]
[LEFT][spoiler= Asuka][/details]
[LEFT][spoiler= Heihachi][/details]
[LEFT][spoiler= Jin][/details]
[LEFT][spoiler= Kazuya][/details]
[spoiler=Kuma]Writeup by Killonater-
Yoshi and Kuma cover each other’s weakness pretty well. Basic tag out BnBs lead to 600 damage with gems.
Amazing synergy.
Very high damage.
High reward on any hit confirm.
Close-Mid range games are in your favor.
Mix ups on knock down.
Kuma has very easy combos that do stupidly high damage.
Againist heavy turtles, some trouble getting in may come.
[LEFT]Requires proficiency with both Yoshi (execution) and Kuma (footies)[/details]
[LEFT][spoiler= Lili][/details]
[LEFT][spoiler= Nina][/details]
[LEFT][spoiler= Paul][/details]
[LEFT][spoiler= Steve][/details]
[LEFT][spoiler= Xiaoyu][/details][/LEFT]