Assault on Paris - Nov 13

Probably gonna be another Subway explosion, usually that’s the easiest target for the terrorists, as proven several times in the recent years

They’ve identified one of the gunmen from Friday. His name was Ismaël Omar Mostefaï. Turns out he’s a Parisian. A little more info on the attackers:

[quote=“Javid, post:261, topic:176913”]


So what i see is a venue with no security, no police patrol outside, and an exit route that leads only into an alley.

Basically if i was isis and wanted to kill a ton of people, a concert venue where there is lacking in security, with clear perimeters.

No way this happens in Los Angeles or anwhere in the us, japan, brazil or Canada

If this is paris on high alert already with two previous terrorist attacks, then no wonder.

Honestly, looks like they got inside so easy

This is why I also think must be locals not migrants, this must have been planned weeks/months in advance.

So Gatwick Airport was evacuated today, a man from France was caught with a rifle, nobody hurt.

Ninja edit:

There’s been a strong conservative muslim presence in france for 15-20 years. Especially with the open borders. It’s been established in a lot of european countries. With England and France having big pockets of their muslim communities protesting and calling the locals heathens and infidels.

But the response is instead of anybody opening a line of democratic discussions. We get the racist rallying to get rid of all muslims.

So we got a pocket of shitty extremist racist and extremist jihadist rhetoric

Stateside it isn’t so much that. But we do have pockets of people who think the wAr on terror is a war on islam. That’s the sexy story being told.

Ironic… Sony got hacked multiple times and lost shit tons of money from it, so they upped their game with PS4 security… and now terrorists ended up taking advantage of that extra security because they might have used it to coordinate this attack. In a way, hacker teams helped ISIS. Poor Sony, the west is so gonna hype the ban wagon against them from this. ISIS seal of approval is the last thing they need.

[quote=“dab00g, post:283, topic:176913”]

We don’t know what the security was like. I highly doubt anybody was thinking that we need heavily armed guards at a small concert just in case some guys with heavy weaponry show up…

Yea I agree. Most concerts I’ve been to in the us have no armed security. The police are usually there funelling traffic and cars outside of the venue. Inside those guys aren’t armed.

The only people who knows the REAL answer to that is the United States themselves.

So the US created ISIS to destabilize the Middle East and to increase its “defense” spending and push its world government.

No, the US did it to destabilize the Middle East and provoke a war in the region, calling themselves peacekeepers and basically invading the land, to seize control of possible future resource sources (read - Oil), or at least have an easy way in to neibourghood countries with such resources

Thing is during events there are usually police at the venue working outside.

With security looking at a perimeter when shady people lurk around the building they radio. But these guys came in guns a blazing.

Where were the police outside? Not running to action. Radio’ing for backup?

I don’t think I’ve ever been to a show at a small club, and seen a cop inside or outside.

Eh i guess.

But you’d think there’d be patrols around in higher frequency due to the frequency of these attacks.

The gunmen were mostly teenagers. Who were brainwashed and indoctrinated. Who were probably already feeling ostracized like those mass shooters we see on american tv. Except extremist welcomed then in and exploited their suicidal tendencies.

One of the guys was 29. Grown men, motherfucker.

Grown men can be manipulated just as easily as children, just have to know how to trigger their interest.

So he knew what he would be responsible for and actively chose to do it anyway. What’s your point?

Yeah and the virginia tech shooter was in his 30s

And so was that guy who shot at the college.

The tendencies of suicidal maniacs to take others down in a blaze of glory these people are easily manipulated

Isis should recruit from 4chan

Apparently there’s a bunch of shit on twitter about random shootouts happening. Anybody know anything?

I want to see them try an assault like this in texas.

Like where everybody carries.

Then see as biker gangs get applauded for their heroics gunning down crazed terrorist