kcxj: don’t you just jump straight up?
Uh… jump straightup, backdash super/activate his whiff. Walk forward and block with long cr LK chars and do low short super if they do it too close. Pick Vega and mash cr MP. Pick instant super chars like Rock, Vega, Bison, Balrog, or Guile and lvl3 super him.
Yo, you guys read the first sentence of my post and didn’t bother to read anything else. What I really wanted to know was whether countering the RC punch is a forced guess or not. Like I either have to totally commit to countering the move, or if I can wait a second and counter on reaction for example.
Besides, this question is for the man PPB anyway. I’ll make an “Ask OTK’s Wife Something” thread if you guys really want that though.
hey kcjx i don’t read any of your posts (but i don’t really read anyones i just look for keywords) i just comment on them
but let’s play CVS2
i’ll rock you with A Rolento again if you want =))))))))
all i neeeeeeeeeed is your love
then no and PPB is boycotting his own thread if it isn’t obvious already
so let’s say iori does 1hit rekka(blocked), what can iori do if you jump straight up? psychic roll crossup under your jump:D
we’re not PPB, we like to answer questions not directed as us, and only answer the part of the question that we know for SURE. if i try to attempt to answer every questions(including the ones that i have no expertise in, but i act like i do) then i’d be just like (the)geese.
slightly more off topic than usual: kcxj did you go to evo last year?
haha are you SURE you know the answer to that one because you’re pretty wrong
Alright, all nonsense aside… Yo PPB, here’s what I have so far with Sagat versus Iori RC punch.
After point blank ranged Iori close s.LP, d.LK xx qcb+HP (blocked)…
-Sagat is in range to punish with reversal Tiger Uppercut. If Iori does three light attacks into the blocked punch however, then Sagat’s LP and MP dp’s won’t reach. I don’t imagine this punishment is very practical then as Sagat needs to stick with dp+HP (the most horizontal range) and that gives Iori a huge opening whenever Sagat mistimes it.
-Sagat reversal level 3 qcb, qcb+K super. The time freeze for level 3’s is what makes this work. It’s too bad the reversal super at level 2 doesn’t freeze time long enough to punish.
If you don’t try to punish and let Iori try follow up RC punch…
-(midscreen only) Jump back falling HK, far s.HP xx super. This seems like the safest option to avoid a guessing game because it doesn’t appear that Iori has anything to take you out of the air with at this range. His mash on d.HK after blocked s.LP, d.LK xx punch will not hit fast in time to stop your jump back.
-I don’t want to jump straight up, and come down with a combo, because not only does it appear that I have to totally guess, but I’m leaving myself in the perfect range for Iori to dp me on reaction.
-Roll behind, far s.HP xx super. The same way C-Sagat punishes a random Sakura qcb+HK. The difference is that Sakura’s qcb+HK is slow and can be rolled on reaction, whereas Iori’s qcb+HP is fast and it looks like I have to take a total guess.
-Sagat’s backdash is totally inconsistent. Sometimes I can do dash back, far s.HP xx super. Other times I get taken right out of my dash by the RC punch. This isn’t something I plan on ever doing at all. Not a valid option IMO.
If Iori is guessing himself and mashing on s.HK after the blocked punch…
-I’m suprised, but instead of taking me out of the air, that let me take a guess and land a full jump-in HK combo.
Again, going for a throw whenever you think RC punch is coming looks like a total guess and not something I’d really prefer doing. So far jump back looks like the safest option. In the corner, it looks like Sagat is in trouble and just needs to block and wait it out I guess. What’s keeping Iori from spamming this move at a high level? I know Choi doesn’t just scrub it out and randomly guess with jump-in or roll, super right?
Nope, I’m a step below “SRK scrub” status and have never been to a major actually.
actually i wasn’t sure,
i meant “what can iori do if you jump straight up” as a real question, but i guess the comment i made right after made it sound like i knew what i was talking about. my bad.
oh okay, someone told me they saw you at last year’s evo in byoc or something, i wanted to see how you play, but i guess that guy lied to me.
my ass… I heard he was in BYOC room too. he is just ashamed that he sucked or something so therefore he acts like he wasn’t at Evo or something. i guess he didn’t want people to know who the dude who was posting on SRK all these advanced poking strats and calling bas a scrub. on a side note… kcxj doesn’t respect you unless your name is choi, ricky, buk, or EC people who rape him. so thats prolly why he’s trying to do his best josh wong sarcasm imitation.
I wanted to talk about basic strategy you need to fight against Iori with and this is where the converstation leads to? I’m not even joking either as this isn’t the kind of question I felt was necessary to put into Buk’s “Ask me something” thread. Notice it said ask “me” and not everybody else. Notice the ask “popoblo” in this thread title as well. If I wanted the noise from anybody else in this forum, I either would of made a completely new thread or sent a pm.
If I’m sorry I’m not Ricky (who’s an a-hole in real life btw…) and BAS’s number one fan like you are. All the Michigan players I’ve made friends with I have nothing but the utmost respect for and they know that personally. I didn’t have any kind of problem with you before, but if you’re going to be cold to me like this then you can go fuck yourself.
You liar you did to go to evo. You told me that you didn’t wear your id badge or whatever though…why you lying here?
first off, champbell would probably be able to answer the iori questions much better than me considering that’s been his best character since the beginning of cvs2, but i’ll answer anyway.
yes, you have to commit to a solution to punish it. it’s too fast to punish on reaction ie SEE the rekka, then jump straight up, come down with a fat combo. most character don’t have fast enough jumps anyway. you don’t have to sit there and block forever, if you REALLY hate RC rekkas, AC it, and make sure you can hold the footsie game until you get your guard bar back.
nope, i’ve just had finals and shit to study for this week. but i’m DONE, and i’m downloading alice cooper’s-school’s out for summer already. and bhaskar, i think i might come to may’n event, but i’d really like to have a place to stay up there to get some gaming in saturday night, then leave sometime sunday. VDO, you, cullen? i’ll hit you up on aim.
reversal uppercut is too inconsistent and risky. it’s basic risk vs reward. not worth it for you. besides, i haven’t seen most GOOD iori players use that string anyways. as for the reversal super, it still doesn’t seem worth it to me. if you can go into training mode and do it 100%, then MAYBE try for it, but tourney pressure messes up your timing ahem me vs kindevu
yes, those are your options, and you assessed the risk/reward well. pick and choose.
range. if you mis-judge the range and whiff it, sagat punishes for half life. add a jiggling chun, and it could get worse. or if you guess right with your jump straight up/back into combo option, iori is hurting again. and ask choi, i don’t know how HE punishes it.
i even remember asking nestor in the campus arcade if you were there because i wanted to play you and see how good you were. he said to look in the BYOC room sometime because he didn’t know where you were. don’t know why you’d lie about that. everybody loses games until they realize how cvs2 is played, nothing to be embarrassed about. and not necessarily saying this is the case with you, but some people can write about games better than play them.
lol, i love it how i’m a step down from buk. and besides there’s no such thing as a stupid question here. 95% of the shit asked pertaining to cvs2 stuff is redundant and has already been beaten to death in old threads OR it’s some question about theory fighter they just saw in some hot new japanese vid.
MIchigan is dope, PPB OUT
PS- A-eagle/bison/blanka is the new A-are
I don’t have a beef w/ you either. You generally post somewhat useful stuff. I just thought it was fucked up that you would lie about going to Evo. I don’t care much for Bas, but anyone who does a fucking reversal RC electric on a Sagat CH jab setup… is a pimp… no matter how you cut it. Either way back to the topic.
Housing is gonna be a bitch for me… but i’ll check w/ my roommates. VDO lives in Detroit, about 45 mins from Ann Arbor, so I dunno whether you wanna drive 45 mins each day. I know a couple guys who live like a block away from the arcade, I’ll see whats up w/ them.
My last question is… wtf do people look for to get reversal mash RCs and 3 button RCs (like Rolento jump away). I can get motion RCs like b,f and qcf/DP RC relatively consistently. But mash RCs and 3 button RCs for whatever reason are harder. I kinda have an idea what I gotta do, but I figure I might as well double check w/ you cuz you were relatively consistent w/ reversal RCs.
popoblo, have you decided on a definitive N-groove team?
And has it made CvS2 more fun for you?
How many drinks until you are drunk? (Which means past faded and into stumbling drunk)
Why do you think its fucked up, does it matter? I just think he doesnt want nerds coming up to him asking him cvs2 questions like people ask buk for frame data during a tourney match.
maybe some people wanted a chance to play the almighty kcxj.
most of us have NO IDEA how good he is, yet he gives out a ton of advice. it’d be nice to have an idea of how he plays so i know if i should take into account what he said, ignore him completely, or try my best to do anything that he said is top tier…etc, etc.
i hear random stuff. kcxj is some scrub, kcxj sucks ass, kcxj is solid, kcxj is the bible…etc. to this day, i still have no idea how he plays, what his main team. shit i dont’ even know what groove he uses.
i’m pretty sure kcxj has no respect for me as well, yet i give him the respect that he probably doesn’t deserve. every thing he posts, i take that into account, sometimes i may even implement it into my game.
so in short, here are my final comments(hopefully) on this kcxj issue:
1)if you go to evo this year, i want the chance to play you, be it money match, grudge match, or just plain casuals.(same goes for everyone here that posts here)
2)stop baiting me to talk shit to you with random comments like “maybe i should make a ‘ask otk’s wife thread’”.:tdown: i give you enough respect so that i believe there’s no need to talk shit with you cuz you helped out the community plenty of time.
3)get someone to put up a match vid of you.
onwards with the topic of the thread.
ppb: i asked you to analyze my match vid a while back, and you told me patience is a virtue. i’d figure if i just leave it alone for a while, you’d probably forget. but if i hassle you about it, you’d probably get mad(or bit irritated). but just to let you know, i got some decent feedback from some people. and it’s already been a while so i think the vid is probably outdated by now(esp cuz it i was still learning the basics of those two top tiers in that one vid). so dont’ worry about the vids anymore. anyways, i woulnd’t mind if i discuss random shit about cammy and sagat. i know they’ve been “beaten to death” but sometimes the threads aren’t so helpful cuz vague discussion were made or whatnot.
cheese_master: go to evo.(you’ve been officially put on my list of people to attempt to beat @ evo)
Lets play at evo. I don’t care if its money match or whatever. I’d just like to play against you.
oooh ooh money match me
i’ve played kcxj plenty of times over the years. hes not bad, and its not like the advice he gives is totally off base. however he can’t execute half of the stuff he talks about i mean he plays with nestor so are you expecting him to be a scrub? cmon, hehe.