LOL not renwick, renrick. Everyone makes that mistake with spelling my name though. But umm i don’t think it’s that abusive. Since blanka’s dash/hop can go over low attacks plus he can rc the hop into rc it’s way more abusable than chun’s dash rc legs. I can see dash rc legs working after c.roundhouse AA, AA jab, and after her I’m in the same boat as you though, i can’t rc her legs consistently:sad: , the hand positioning is way too unatural.
The best time to do dash, RC legs is to do it randomly when I have full super meter so I can hit you with jump up HK, d.MK xx super.
It’s not that hard to figure out. You cancel the Roll as late as possible, and since Rolls naturally go through people and Kyo’s Roll goes really far, you’ll pass through the guy before the Roll cancels into the move.
And you RC the QCB HCF+P super (Orochinagi, “cloud super” if that makes more sense)
Ohhh okay thanks. I thought he was talking about that punch super.
What do you do against A-Bison? This applies to both with and without meter. Out turtle him?
He was talking about the qcb hcf super . I saw buk practicing it for a while this weekend at final round. He mustve been pissed when i interupted his practice for a casual game, because he raped me. I feel so violated :crybaby:
dash into RC LL isn’t necessarily good for rushdown, but it is good to link a level 1 after. make sure you set it up though (ie dash then throw, dash then low jab, dash RC LL or something) and use it VERY sparingly, because it can be easily countered. to actually execute the dash into RC LL, just wait a tiny bit for the dash to animate, then do it fast so you get it as you’re coming out of the dash. i almost never dash into RC LL, it’s just seems too risky.
i’m not talking about the qcfx2 + p super, i’m talking about the cloud super that you can hold in. let kyo’s long roll animate for a little bit more, then finish the motion, it’ll crossup. it’s tricky to do and pretty much not worth it, but it is a nice parlor trick.
maybe you COULD RC the other super, but it wouldn’t make much sense.
vs A-bison is a turtling fest, plain and simple. you have to be an aggressive turtler if that makes sense. here are some general guidelines…
-don’t let him sit there and spam crouching forward for meter. bison with meter is too deadly.
-don’t jump at him, with a charge or not. if you don’t eat the RC psycho crusher, you eat a standing/crouching fierce.
-don’t let yourself be crossed up. bison has a huge advantage after a crossup, hit or blocked, because he can start to work your guard bar.
-if you do get cornered, don’t jump straight up. you’ll eat a scissor kick into CC into gg. i’ve seen that happen too many times.
-if bison HAS meter, then just watch for setups. play solid footsies and be extremely cautious, all that good stuff.
Why is Ken such a beast?
-RC funky kick
-Pretty good pokes and meatys(close s.rh is too good, so is s.Lk)
-Nice crossup
-Good supercancels
-OK rush
-Alright mixups.
-Gets meter fast.
-Good battery.
ken fuckin sucks, have 1/2 a brain, and it’s gg (yes, by 1/2 a brain, i mean punish his RC funky kicks).
I know a lot of good players who have practiced @ home by themselves in training mode, my question is simple:
When in training mode, what is the best way to practice?
Whats a good way to test counter hit set ups?
set dummy to mash on jab slowly
what are some examples of counter hit setups? you can use maki as an example if you want :karate:
Practice exection of your combos, CCs, block strings, and setups, parrys, JDs.
Another thing I do is choose one of the characters I use, and find pokes that counter common pokes. IE Blanka c.fp,, j.fp, j.rh…
Here’s a question:
How did you get so good, without comp??
My secret is to practice against the CPU on level 8 difficulty but only do stuff that you think might work against Alex Valle. This is how I became one of NJ’s top CvS2 players.
BTW, Sigley, can you make it to one of our sessions (fantastic, chibi, zaelar, …)? We need more comp. Plus I’m gunning for #1 CvS2 in NJ and you’re the guy to beat.
The secrete to beating Valle is to get him into the corner… He panic’s i’m told and doesnt know how to get out. The computer is much more difficult. (According to my sources)
i’ll play with you, but i’m gone til may 12th
you can have #1 in NJ i’m washed up
Yo, I know this is like Evo 2k2 old, but what’s the counter to Iori’s RC punch? The scrub setup where they do rekka punch (blocked), RC punch right after for example.
Do I have to totally guess if I want to counter it or what? I know I can throw to counter it, but Iori can predict I’m going to do that and d.LK xx punch instead. I think I need to guess if I want to jump staight up and come down with a combo too (as in hold straight up as I’m coming out of block stun). Even then Iori can predict that and wait to take me out of the air with far s.HK or d.HP.
If I keep blocking, I’m going to be blocking RC punches all day so that’s stupid. If I guess and roll, I leave myself open to a low short combo into knockdown.
So what do you do to stop Iori from spamming that move? Is it really a forced guess then? Hopefully it’s something more forgiving.