I haven’t rollerbladed for about 4 years now… i did it a bit freshman year of college but the people around here were douches so i didn’t keep doing it. I still like it but i don’t have the leg strength to do it anymore.
You have 2 midterms because professors are douches. It could be worse… you could have 2 midterms right AFTER evo
Good looking women can turn you dumber than a box of shit. I think you need more of a mentality that you are on the same level as them. It’s all confidence. Just think “i’m a fucking engineer in training, i’m better than you”
Iono how to tell you how to figure out who is real or not.
But off of 1st impressions, usually I can tell if a person is genuine or not.
Just gotta see the red flags on how a person acts, what a person says, how they say it, what theyve done, or have a rep for doing.
Like, here, ill describe my relationship with you.
And im real.
Im friendly to you not because I want sex from you, but because I want sex from one of your friends, or someother random passing females.
Because now that it appears that we are friends, srk fanerds are now jealous of my knowing a female, and will secretly loathe and admire me for it. The loathing will transfer to their male friends, while the admiration will transfer to their female friends/siblings.
Females not directly associated with SRK will perceive this aura and will find themselves inexplicably attracted to me.
They have a feeling that I have some sort of fame, which is highly attractive to females, almost as much as money.
I get along better with guys, I dont talk to many girls…Though the my srk roomies did get lucky one night when I brought home a a girl from one of the clubs I work at. heh
edit It appears we are friends? Remind me to delete your number from my phone and not call you ever again nudge
fuck i need to go to denton and fucking put an ‘r’ in there and leave my mark, YEEEUHHH NIGGUHHHH
fuck that chip on your shoulder shit, it only gets me in trouble, but i will not hesitate to call someone (even if shes hot) on saying something stupid.
Miss Fifi, you really should look for a “man” who shows this thing called Chivialry, it usually works wonders and defines a person for who they really are.
And Mr.Rollerballer: Could I attach a plunger to Rolento’s stick and use it to unclog the toilet? :snap: v c’mon
Woa I dont know what your thinking but heres what a man is in my book
1.Takes care of buisness
2.Keeps it real
3.Works a job pays the bills and still has time to hang out with his wife and children
4.Someone disrespects you it’s on til the other guy says sorry or is laying on the floor
5.Still has time to “play” and hang out with his woman
6.Doesn’t live at home nor move into your house/apartment
7.Has a car
8.Willing to work 50/50 as if it we’re a marriage Example: One washes the dishes and the other one dry’s
9.And um pretty much showing love and affection
10.Has loyalty (Very hard to find)
11.Willing to make changes (same as above)
I think that should sum it up a little bit.
But then on the other hand I cant say how many things women do wrong :lol: to fucks shit up.