How do you consistently punish Blanka electric of different mash times? I mean lvl2/3 supers are too slow to execute sometimes… and he can block. Its gay as fuck.
What is the meaning of life?
Why does everyone like Regis Reflector and hate on Angry Pimp hat Skele?
and he’s A.P.H.S. Part 1-3 enjoy!
throw that bitch, or just learn how to watch for the end of it and low foward super, it’s not that hard when you get used to it
Already been answered, please read thread before asking questions <3
I have no idea… i loves me some aphs. Keep up the good work
how can we theoretically improve s-groove? id say make it so that you can trade your max-red lv 3 for armour mode from KOF2000, and you can end armour mode by doing a lv2 (so lv2 super animations dont go to waste)
Is it worth buying Capcom vs. SNK 2 PAL on PS2?
give every character(with some exceptionsl like cammy…etc) some better dodge attacks.
Dude…S-groove is weird…I’ve been messing with it as of late, and it’s just dumb sometimes…I think with enough practice, you can break that shit…I don’t think it needs to be improved…
s-groove is good enough. If you think it sucks really bad then you are trying to use too man gimmicks or you are trying to abuse the system instead of learning how to play.
Is it worth buying Capcom vs. SNK 2 PAL on PS2?
i have no idea what pal is… but if it’s got roll cancelling, go for it.
all this was me by the way, just on nam’s sn
<3 to all the fans
How come I snap my fingers when I win with Rolento?
Why am I such a door mat?
Cuase you have a foot fetish?
No, I mean why do I let guys use me. Sometimes its not even for sex. My last ex was using me for my car, and I didnt even see it. Now I find out that this guy that I fell for is totally indifferent about me. He’s still in love with his ex, but led me on.
When will I learn to see what guys are really coming at me for?
Yeah… You like letting guys walk all over you, so I figured you had a foot fetish…
Apparently youre just dumb. D:
My advice is to only fuck with the guys that are real with you.
If they are honest and straightforward it will take all the guess work out.
Also… you might wanna check yoself, is it his fault YOU fell for HIM?
What is real? How am I supposed to know if the guy is lying or not?
I blame myself, but he did lead me on.
Cause thats a badass thing to do, i would give you more rep if i was premium.
aww i’m sorry, look, how about you and me take a trip to japan and talk this out. I’m a little short on cash so just pick me up on the way.
thats a damn good response, i never would have thought of that
guys are after sex and sometimes relationships. I don’t see why this is hard to accept. There are a lot of people out there that will take anything thrown at them. You’ve probably been falling into patterns where you date the same jerkass guys over and over again. My suggestion, just date one of these horny ass srk guys. Go search in general discussion once it comes back up. A lot of the guys that post in gd would pretty much be using you for sex but they would definitely kiss you after and spend the night and buy you stuff, maybe even love you. Cause really, if you find a desperate guy, he’s not going to want to do anything to screw up getting the sex. I don’t know if you are hot or anything, but don’t try to get with guys over your own attractiveness. It’s just asking for trouble.
To answer the rest of your chatter with philth, getting your heart break sucks, but you gotta learn to ACCEPT and get over it. Go through the crying period, think it out all you want, but get over it and try not to mope over it for too long. You’ll waste too much of everyone’s time that way.
Also, i have a fun question for srk people reading my thread in my first question as part of a weekly “Ask YOU something stupid”
Why is it the second a girl comes and posts in a thread she gets unsolicited responses?
Well it was an srker. I’m average looking, and he wasnt above me in looks. Im done crying. Tonight I get drunk.
when was the last time you actually rollerbladed?
why do i have 2 midterms right before evo?
why do i lack the confidence to make intelegent conversation with good looking women?