Hmmm, i can’t help you on the headache/ass problem, I think that means you’ll just have to stay away from oral sex and public bathrooms. Headache when you don’t eat is perfectly natural. Your body is trying to tell you “oh hey, you’re not going to pay attention to the weakness in your body and the rumbling in your stomach eh?!? TAKE THAT”
Ok, well first of all i’m assuming you are playing a tournament (most likely a freeroll) which should give you a small hint as to how good the players you are facing are. To solve this, it depends. If the big blind is only around 30 chips and you raise to 120, you’re not going to get much respect from bad players. Most players have no concept of position and just know that 2/3 can make a straight. SOOOOO, the solution is to not worry about getting knocked out early in the freeroll tourneys because at the beginning you’re playing people who don’t give a damn. If you really want your pocket aces to stand up more often, when you enter a tournament, just put yourself on autoaway and come back in 45 minutes or so. You should still have around 600-700 chips and all the superbad players will be knocked out by then, good luck shnookums.
I’m assuming you mean norcal. Well, i’m still in norcal so I can waste all of my money before I go back to socal. Thats the simple answer.
I’m not sure but i’ll ask him!
I don’t remember putting white shit under the bear’s nose, but my guess would be cocaine. EDIT: oh oh, nevermind, those are angry bear teeth.
If you’re going to play low limits and know you’re going to get outdrawn on eventually then just stick to limit hold’em. If you want to win these tiny no limit games you’re just going to have to wait around for sets and not overplay anything else.
best way to get out of any oki trap is to stop moving and tap up when you see an opening i guess. Isn’t that how you get out of anyone’s oki? If not just try not to get knocked down at all. Watch out for his mids since they take a shitload and good luck. OH also, not playing tekken will happen.
Ayumi is tops for way too many reasons but I think being the top grossing female artist in Japan is reason enough.
this is great advice if you want to win in low limit games b/c people w/ bigger bank rolls will call nearly anything and will catch enough straights and flushes to piss you off.
It may be your location. Find some college in california, it’ll give you a life with the quickness. Good Luck!!
mas system is an evil corporation with hidden intentions. Remember when they found out those firby toys were making other toys like tickle me elmos malfunction. They’re trying to squash the competition. I also think this is part of the secret arcade commisions plans to make sure we can never get a perfect console setup. If mas sticks worked perfectly all the time why would we need to go to arcades?
Hmmm, this is actually a very good question. MrSNK points out that boxers may lead to a higher sperm count. I’m pretty sure thats just urban legend or just applicable to people who have quite low sperm counts and narrow urethras like hank hill. As of late i’ve been becoming more of a brief man. go to express for men and get a pair of the square cut briefs. It’s basically a european style boxer brief without being so low that the top of your penis is showing. The damn things are comfortable and make your ass look great i gotta tell you. Shit I’ll post pictures up if I get any requests. Please post whether you would like the butt or weiner view. It’s nice to have the support when you go play sports or basically do anything. Boxers are great when you’re just laying around the house or need quick access to sex all the time. OH, actually, briefs have an added benefit of keeping your balls from hanging and this decreasing stretch leading to long balls as an old man. :pleased:
So they can burn rice faster. I’m trying not to steal anyones job but I notice that alot its like look instead of it being a piece of shit its a really loud piece of shit.
(More or less to get noticed or get more horsepower.)
It’s not for burning rice, it’s for looking and sounding cool. They want to have this little weak car make a big sound, but unfortunately instead of a high performance whir they get a good tin can rattle out of it. I’ve been thinking of getting a noisy pipe put on my little honda so I can say “see ladies, i have a lot of expertise under the hood…” MOVING ON
Although this is not in question form, my advice is that you go to a club, thursday nights are usually good if you like drunken college hoochies.