standing fierce, I think your options are either block or go for a counterhit c.LP/c.LK, most likely cammy is still in control. JDed far RH, you can probably connect with c.MK or c.HK, but it depends on what range you JD it at.
werd, thats actually one of the most annoying things about k-cammy. that bitch is still in CONTROL.
on a serious note, why the fuck is kim such a perv?
Everybody attacking me from all angles.
so last night when i fought friiiiiiiiiza, i used A-vega/(sak, sagat, haoh, bison, maki, ken, rugal, rolento, etc)/blankaR2.
i never get close to beating him EXCEPT on the FIRST time i switch to a new character, where i can sometimes get lucky and pull of fsome crazy theory fighting/parlor trick/onetime use mixup on him with my 2nd char(user).
seeing how i’ll never find that third character, unless they allow me to use TWO grooves on the same team…
1)should i go to tournies with this team? A-vega/random/blankaR2
i can play almost all the characters with about the same efficiency.
2)should i go to tournies with this team? A-vega/bison/blankaR2, and since i can’t do his custom yet, do this following custom
c.fwd, c.fiercex2, c.rh, c.fiercexN, super. it does what…hmm 7k?
3)if i go to a tourney with random, and i win the first match, do i get to random again on the second match, or do i have to use the one i randomed from the 1st?
4)what if i just did R2vega/R2blanka?
- why does alpha2 ryu only need fireball spam and down fierce to beat people?
6)ryu SAII or SAIII?
if you can’t do bison’s custom, there’s better characters to use, I’d say rolento or sakura
so i really thought 4 blades was the max they would ever go, but doesn’t the fusion have 5 blades? I really can’t see it going to 10. I would say 6 blades is the max you can go before you’ve just become ridiculous. I would also like to point out that electric razors are teh suck. I’ve been using one because I got one as a gift but it doesn’t shave nearly close enough. It is quite convenient though being able to shave in 2 seconds. So lets see…
first it was the mach 3, then the fusion, so whats next in technology… nanotechnology… OH i just realized this might make sense… they will have 10 blades that are very small but cut closer than ever and call in the nanoblade. It is also possible that since the ipod is using the same name they will not use the word nano, maybe they will start to take a page out of quake 2 and call it the razor launcher, or the railrazor, or the bfrazor that sears the hair off your face with a thin wave of plasma radiation.
Cammy maintains frame advantage after a close standing fierce even when you jd it soooooo, jd again or block. There really is nothing wrong with just blocking her strings. You might lose alittle guard but she’s going to be pushed away anyways. If you’re feeling really hyphy though you can jd the first hit then try doing a mid counter… PREDICTABRRR
Yeah it’s not a stupid question but you didn’t even ask a question you turd, stop hatin’ hater
Kim suffers from a rare disease that is caused by large testicles and an overabundance of male hormone. Unfortunately anytime a pretty girl comes by he gets those crazyasskim eyes and his wang becomes hugified. But seriously though, dude is mad pervin’ it 24/8
No you should just pick up a solid 3rd character. If you really can’t think of anyone then use eagle because he’s good and is braindead easy to use. If you need help just ask
Bison isn’t that good if you can’t do custom… I’m proof of that. My bison would rape assholes if i could do custom but I can’t so I find characters that are better in tournament
You can pick random again if you specify ahead of time usually, viscant used to do that when that cheater fucking learned how to get his character through random
waste of a ratio… a ratio 1 is almost as strong as a ratio 2, and vega is pretty weak no matter what you do with him.
alpha 2 is busted ass busted, that is why, stop playing it
I personally pick sa1 because you get so much ex meter and having a low forward super option is good. If not I would pick sa2 because it does so much fucking damage off of a lucky hit. SA3 is shitty unless you are really really good at setting up like frankie3s. If you want proof of that watch any video of valle playing and tell me he wouldn’t be better with one of the other supers. I’ve theorized that maybe people pick sa3 because they want to make sure they keep all of their meter available for ex moves and they don’t even want to give themselves the opportunity to waste it… SHRUG.
As a side note, I started this thread to prove the old adage wrong… the only stupid question is one not asked. I’d also like to point out that the other old adage… there are no such thing as stupid questions, only stupid people… is also false… THERE ARE BOTH PEOPLE.
Is it ok to like a singer if you cant understand a word she’s saying?
P.S. Shes HOT!!!
yes… i’m going to marry ayumi hamasaki
I vote for Leah.
Everybody here (no matter how stupid the question you ask), I encourage to do the same. :bgrin:
i voted for monica belucci, dark haired italian girls got me by the balls.
I voted for Leah, as well. <333333
I voted for Jally. <3<3<3
ooohh!! good shit on picking maki! I suck at cvs2 so I never get to try out cool characters. Maybe if I dropped 3s and tekken…
The bad thing about A Maki is she has no setups, everything is random activate.
She can build meter without attacking though so its kind of fun.
Oh right, thats what I was thinking…
A Maki loses to crouching. The st. RH in the CC whiffs if the opponent crouches.
Come on, gentlemen. I know there are more than four people that look at this thread…
How can you say no to that?
The video where I’m suprised that the cameraman didn’t molest her:
Poll’s closing in an hour, and it looks like Stacy Keibler is going to win, but I’m feeling a last minute rally for Leah. Just 7 more votes!
You can see pictures of any of the three other women whenever you want just by picking up any men’s magazine. Boring!
Fuckers. do the right thing and vote for leah.
Holy crap man did you even watch the video??? 7k Anti-air custom right there.
to me youtube or google would be better, i don’t like downloading a million 30 second clips when i could just watch them in my browser. But thanks for the vids regardless.
i’ll answer questions later… but for now I would like to point out that all the girls in that poll were not god tier… not gonna say they were ugly even though a few of them have manish qualities… but that leah chick is pretty low tier… she just happens to be hotter than all the other women
allen now has a ps2…in other words, the WORLD ISN’T READY.