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haha, good thing neither player was me :stuck_out_tongue:

edit: i watched the vid again. you lied…o_o

no it just a random casual match where popo gets two c.fierce to combo, but the first c.fierce hits backwards(he said he got c.fierce instead of dp taht’s why the c.fierce was there in the first place)

damn it, i gotta dl that!!

Ahahah, ive gotten backward fierces before, but not 2 fierces, nice. And yes every super EXCEPT 1 was a wake up super. Good JDing at the end there!

i was told that in the “doublemint fierce” vid that @ 0:43, that DP was done on reaction.

i dont think thats possible. the very visible start of the cannon drill could be also seen as a far In this case,i dont think it REALLY was on reaction unless he had a good feeling it was coming. O_o

why does melvins + jello = greatest thing ever?

so i’ve been using N-ryu(the one that smiles like he’s got something up his ass).

i haven’t really had time to try this, but does kara overhead–>demon work with ryu?

no. Try overhead, wait a sec, THEN demon. best set up ever.

I’m Back Bitches

oooooooo baracuda

If I buy a disney watch, will I be the coolest kid on my block???

You damn right you’ll be.:tup:

Oh shit, how come when I burn a DVD it skips in my CD player.

How come it burns really bad when I use a oxy pad on my face after shaving?

if i can’t do bison or sak’s custom, should i go back to my homie A-haoh? :smiley:

Go back to Maki.

Hmmmm, if there was some way to convey the guitar riff after that i would… but since I can’t i’ll just leave you with :rock:

Depends on how much ICE is on it…

get it, ice like coolest ice but also cause it is hella cool to have you know “ice” holy hahaha rofl waffles

dvd’s are naturally happier than CD’s so they tend to have the appearance of skipping instead of just walking. This is normal and to be expected

yes, he is the future… and he is also dope cause you get a good excuse for losing

Think 5 years from now Gillete will release something with double the blades of Fusion?
The way names are going, what do you think they’d call it?

if i JD cammy standing fierce or roundhouse from outside throw range, and i am using Geese, what options do i have so that i can actually hit her and not get stuffed?

That’s not a stupid question.