Asia Tekken 6 Singapore Match Results

This was one Singapore’s largest Tekken 6 tournaments with a turnout of over 30 participants. Tensions were high during the finals where Lee Shin Cheon aka. leenewsky fought his way up from the losers bracket to finally grab the championship place.

1st Place - Lee Shin Cheon aka. leenewsky
2nd Place - Desmond Loo aka. desmondepm
3rd Place - Anthony Radianto aka. nameless03

We’ve got footage of the finals and semi-finals as well as an exclusive walkthrough of the nail-biting semi-final match.

The links are:

Finals Match: [media=youtube]MdljE50itzs"[/media]
Semi-Finals Match: [media=youtube]WJ1vTevQj0c"[/media]
Semi-Finals w/ commentary: [media=youtube]Vv0YXJnOn9A"[/media]
Youtube Channel:

We’ll also be uploading an interview with the 3 winners so keep an eye on the youtube channel for that video which should be uploaded with the next 24 hours.

Hopefully this gives the international community some insight on the Singapore Tekken scene.


5/9 rounds >_<