Arrangement of Team members: Why Haggar should always be at spot 3

So I realized something today that is probably relatively obvious, but none the less I feel I should post it to point something out for other Haggar users. If Haggar is at spot 3, he is the last one to come out in a team air exchange. What does this mean? It means you can finish with the pipe, relaunch, do a second team air combo, and then finish with a triple THC, if your team is capable. You cannot do a downward exchange anywhere though, as this uses your ground bounce, I’m pretty sure. Probably should’ve tested this…

I discovered that in this situation, if you get all the commands and your opponent misses the counters, you can easily manage a 100% combo requiring 3 meters and no X-Factor. I imagine it would destroy most opponents much sooner with it.


most good players will counter your aerial combo so most likely you won’t even get your Haggar out, I think it’s better to keep the order of your team in tack then risk a aerial combo. Also Haggar is so good at gaining meter I feel like he’s better at spot 2, that way you can save up meter for a Dark Phoenix or level 5 XF Chun-Li or Sentinel.

Yeah that’s true that you run that risk, but I figure if you’re gonna go for a team aerial, you may as well attempt it. And by position 3, I don’t mean that you should use him first. I just mean that if possible to keep him at R1 (or right bumper I guess for xbox?) so that if you do start one, this becomes a possibility.

Going for 2 aerial exchanges, while excluding the down+S option, means that your opponent has a 50% chance of countering, 2 times in a row. Right/Left count as 1 option.

So in total, you only have a 25% chance of getting Haggar in there, if he’s in spot 3.

I don’t think that’s a very good reason to keep him in the back. I usually start Haggar, as he can do 500K damage meter-less combos off of 1 pipe. Once I get a few meters built up, then I’ll start DHC’ing and Aerial Exchanging (but never more than 1 AE at a time).

Pick his color 3 (Tom Selleck Black).
Put him on point.

Are u sure that you can do a ground bounce after two exchanges i remember testing this in training mode and everytime i used air pipe i couldn’t bounce him

It definitely works, I just did it. It depends on how high off the ground you go, and how late in the combo you use it I think.

Its an intresting thought but…
Uhh… this doesnt seem like that good of an idea to me… your designating your entire team order based on one REALLY easy to break combo, that ALSO needs 3 bars of hyper guage. That seems unwise, when you could just as easily put someone in your number one spot who has a 100% (or near 100%) combo that only needs one meter. Then You can keep haggar in the number 2 spot to use as the ultimate meterless battery. (Thats where I see most people putting him). Now, Maybe if you could pull this off with just 1 or 2 meters, AND it didnt have a meager 25% chance of working against a competent opponent, it would make for a reasonable justification for putting haggar last.

Putting him 3rd means that if your 1st character gets touch o death’d then your opponent will get a free shot at your other non haggar character (usually your anchor or your meter eater) and you dont want that.

In a really bad no good worst case situation where your opponent just decimates your first two characters without giving you a chance to switch things up at all, haggar is not the character you want going last, he really needs assists to function at his best, and he is NOT ideal for making a comeback. You want someone with a really crazy X-factor for that, and while haggars x factor is good it just isnt really as solid as some of the nuttier ones out there (see sentinel).

There are also alot of good arguments for putting haggar first, but I dont know about putting him in last; at least not for the reasons given here.

I personally like to use Haggar first and see how many players I can takeout with his uber pipe. Then I have my projectile character (Dormammu/sentinel) as my third :china:

yea I def. run my Haggar first. Use Chris grenade toss assist with Taskmater (straight across) projectile. Haggar is SOOO good that when back by the right assist I can always cover my ass. Most times Haggar can clean out 3 characters never leaving on point. Grenade assist with Haggar is something I dont think people realize yet… but oh you should try it

I don’t agree with having him 3rd to start with, but I tend to swap my characters out a lot and if he ends up in the third slot, it’s always worth a shot to try to get in an up exchange or two and then use Haggar to combo into QCF+S, since it does more damage the higher up in the air you are. :smiley:

Granted, when you up exchange the first time most people expect up again the second time so this is a very situational thing but still pretty sweet.

i used to think i would benefit from having him third but i completely disagree now. Haggar needs assists to get in against good players and you will get zoned all to hell. Also haggar needs meter less than anyone in the game so he is the perfect battery, i start him on point hulk/doom second and dorm third. the only time i switch him out is when i dhc him when he is really low life or he is dead. haggar doesnt need life to do the lariat assist so starting him on point and then dhc him out when he has almost no life left i can still use the assist so i get the best of both worlds.

by the way i love to dhc machinegun blow to gamma crush to dorm flame, Massive damage for an easy as shit combo.

i think haggar is a very good keep away teams backup with him last and x factor 3. besides the obvious advantages of his assist in a keep away team, keep away teams tend to eat up the clock. if haggar is last with the life lead and 15 seconds left on the clock he can just camp until the clock runs out. as he’ll take no chip damage the opponent will have to come to him and attempt a risky rush down which haggar can simply double lariat on reaction into super to kill and regain health because of x factor 3.

any character can do that, sitting back and camping with xfactor is fine no matter who you use. depending on lariat for a reversal on rushdown will get you killed if they bait it out so while he can keep away and play the waiting game like all grapplers he is better when he is moving toward the opponent so i still say point is the better place for him.

he has one of the best assists in the game but it takes damage off of him. it makes sense that assists used most are placed last so they have the most time to heal. proper use of his assist will also keep your other characters alive longer as it interrupts opponents offenses and some characters can combo after the assist hits. he’s like psylocke from mvc2 not a great character but helps improve the first two characters offense and defense so much that it makes up for it. but he is much better because you don’t want to snap him out when he has assists, he’s fully invincible, and once you push the assist button he’ll come out no matter what even in the middle of the opponents attacks. why would you want to risk losing an assist like this by putting him out earlier?

as for him last with x factor, there isn’t anyone better than him at dealing with rushdown alone. no one else can stop dark phoenix better than x factored haggar. other characters rely on moving around the screen to run away but haggar is the best at knocking you back into your place for trying to touch him.

i disagree with you on this. what are you going to do against any character that has a life lead and a teleport or a really good runaway. haggar has no comeback potential against these characters so if someone has wesker(or mags, ammy, ect) in third and you have haggar in your third spot you are going to loose unless they suck or you get a lucky pipe. good third characters need to be good all around characters and haggar is not that.

haggar is a slow brute that does great damage and can lock someone down with frame traps and great high priority attacks. when he is by himself he can be push blocked and kept away all day but if you have an assist to get him in he is a major pain in the ass for everyone.

yes it is possible to run him third and only as an assist but be ready to have some horrible matchups if you lose your other two characters. not to mention if you really just want an assist i think tron’s is better.

that is why i tried to make a mvc2 comparison. there were some very good assists like psylocke, cyclops, captain commando, doctor doom, etc. that were always last. in mvc2 no one will argue that teams build around these assist make the first 2 characters as good as any team of 3 characters without them. haggar will probably lose without a life lead and alone. my point is his assist will improve the other 2 characters so much that it shouldn’t come down to him. and i do think he is effective as a point character with the right team support i wouldn’t argue against that at all.

i wouldn’t say tron’s is better either as they both have their advantages and disadvantage. tron’s does not stuff crossups, is not invincible, cannot be ducked under. haggar’s stuff crossups, is fully invincible, can be ducked under, he loses energy everytime he uses it. they both have a hard time fighting alone. but i do think they are the two best defensive assists in the game.

nice points i guess he is good either way just depends how your team is set up. He is my best character so i start him on point i want the cover of an assist to get in and then never get out. but if i was running mags/wesker/haggar or another team that haggar would help i would probably change my tune.

who do you use to get him across screen i like using him as point 1st to do as much dmg as possible off the bat

I put him in spot 2; He’s a great point man yes, but he’s also a god damned good assist character too. I once kept him in the back but… he can take so much damage without falling.

Haggar as anchor is suicide.Good luck against a team of say Dormammu/Doom/Wesker with only Haggar left.