Was in the middle of typing a short essay for school about this topic. The professor wanted to know what we thought about how the move to urban life has effected us with new physiological issues. Rampant obesity, niggas dying from stress related heart attacks. Hell, did people back then ever even suffer from hypertension and carpal tunnel syndrome?
I just wanted to know what you guys think about it. Are people in urban enviroments really killing themselves with every click of the remote? Where is the balance between using technology for our betterment and just being lazy? Why do I like to stand there with the fridge open, just starring into it when I know that I am not even hungry? Didn’t Captain Planet teach me better than that?
It’s all just laziness and ignorance about nutrition. And the Carpal Tunnel…too much typing in the “home-key” style. Free-style hunt-peck (learned by using the internet for over 3 years…hunt and peck speeds up to like 40 wpm or more. You know where the keys are, and use ANY finger to hit them, without your hands held in any static position) is MUCH better for you. People are lazy as the fuck, and the only thing they’ll usually work harder at is finding more ways to be even lazier.
i don’t think urban life has anything to do with rampant obesity. trailer parks and rural hicktowns are full of fat fucks and are the antithesis of urban environments. obesity is rampant bcuz as a society we’ve decided that if a person becomes fat it’s not their fault it’s a disease and that they’re a victim of others conspiring against them.
typing incorrectly leads to carpal tunnel, not using the home keys, and even then there’s no hard correlation between typing a lot and carpal.
It’s not simply laziness. You have this whole society being fed food made specifically to either be prepared fast, or food made to make you go fast. Faster than the human body was originally designed to go.
We have come along way since Gatorade. Know you have all these damn drinks with all kinds of stuff in them that I wont even attempt to type for the simple fact that I don’t want to get that Carpal Tunnel
All that sugar and caffeine, and don’t get me started on the whole coffee culture that has sprung up over the last few years.