I’ve been playing this game with my 360 pad for awhile and it’s getting annoying. For whatever reason, my analog is really sensitive and it messes up combos and does specials on its own. I’d use my current arcade stick, but it’s clearly not made for this game (Hori EX2).
Sorry if this has been asked before. Also one more quick question.
I’ve had a lot of experience with the traditional format of the buttons on an arcade stick. But with MK’s format I have very little. How long does it take to get used to?
All 360 controllers have this problem on analog. It seems more like a game-side issue, though, since the game obviously wasn’t designed with analog control in mind.
Considering I’ve been playing on the MK layout for years, I may be biased, but I’d say it’s no more difficult than, say, getting used to holding a button to block if you’ve never played an MK game before. It takes some getting used to, but it becomes ideal for playing MK games on, and since MK9 doesn’t have a run function, you won’t have to worry about coordinating the thumb button unless you play a lot of tag mode.
And the MK format - well it probably takes you the same as adapting from pad–> stick.
No one can tell you how long it will take, as it’s a personal issue.
The EX2, if i’d use it…
Block BP BK
or otherwise have the tag/block on the far column. It’s not bad but it’s not traditional MK.
When the demo came out, I liked it a ton and played it with my TE sticks… I have been using them for a couple years now and very comfortable with them for fighting games, but they didn’t feel “right” with MK… To clarify, the buttons felt fine but the JLF just felt awkward, even with a bat top on it.
Well I got the PDP TE and it instantly felt right and execution felt more natural to me… Who knows, maybe with more time on my regular sticks I would have converted… But street fighter never felt off to me like mk did so YMMV
Sorry to bump this again with more questions, but I felt I shouldn’t make another thread.
Has anyone played with the PDP stick? I’m getting mixed reviews with it. I’m deciding between either getting the PDP stick or buying a SFIV TE and just getting a MK Panel for it.
Depends on your preference. The PDP TE is a really solid stick. The parts are apparently cheap, but they don’t feel cheap. They’re definitely not X-Arcade cheap. They’re good American-style Happ parts with the properly spaced MK layout. It certainly felt like a quality stick to me when I checked it out.
The Mad Catz TE, on the other hand, is made with well respected Sanwa parts. Throw in the round gate adapter and the Combat Panel, and you’ve got a quality stick, but it’s obviously going to have the lighter stick resistance and the much less resistive buttons, which for any traditional MK player would take some adjustment. The layout is also slightly compacted and curved, which could go either way depending on whether you’re used to playing classic MK or Japanese fighters like SF.
I have the pdp stick, it’s pretty solid. It’s basically old school american parts and concave buttons. The stick seems to be modeled after happ competition joysticks. The thing is the up right direction on the stick seems to be a little unresponsive. The square gate thing (not sure what it’s called) doesn’t seem to have as big of a sweet spot as other directions on the two switches for up and right. I’ve seen someone else also complain about that. I don’t have that problem on any of my other american (p360 joystick) or japanese sticks. Also I wish the stick had some sort of rubber feet like the TE stick. Other than that it’s a pretty solid stick.
I especially like the fact it works perfectly with the XBL version of UMK3 considering you cant change the buttons in that version. I got it with mk9 bundled so it was worth it for me.
If you really want the mk layout, the TE stick with the mk panel will work perfectly imo, probably better than the official mk stick. The thing is I wouldn’t really wanna have to switch panels for different games so I just went with the official one.
yeah like Skudd says, i found the buttons very hard, course it also uses a round gate, but i’ve only ever played on american machines so that’s no biggie for me. if it were me though i would get the madcatz stick, but only cause i play SF also
I have it, and frankly I am not very impressed. Painfully obvious why Japanese style is preferred this days for the most part, the buttons and stick feel very unresponsive, and I often miss the U/F.
The stick casing is very nice though, I understand it’s traditional mk layout, but the buttons are to spaced out for me as well as the stick it self, especially a problem with my relatively small hands.
So I guess my question would be, if I wanted to swap out the stick and buttons what are my best options? I am unfamiliar with american parts, is there anything that can compete with the precision of sanwa? would prefer a square gate also.
Think I may just have to fork out for a TE with the MK panel which looks much nicer and more ergonomic because I am really liking this game (apart from the shit netcode.)
I think it’s great. They went for the nostalgia of the American controls. It’s nice to have, and fortunately if you wanna make it into something “competition” level, you need only spend ~$20. I replaced the stick microswitches with Cherry brand micro’s and the buttons with iL brand competition convex buttons. Also fortunately, the stick is a bit cheaper than a retail-priced Madcatz. You can have the original arcade feel, or a more competitive stick, for no more than you’d spend on the Japanese stuff. Perfect.
yeah looks like I will have to go with that option as I have just found madcatz don’t ship internationally so I can’t get a faceplate which is really annoying.
What does swapping out the microswitches achieve? will the joystick control be tightened up as a resilt? or do I need a new stick. find the U/F very unreliable compared to a sanwa stick.