Are there more homeless now than there were?

This was caused long before he took office but nice try.

I would imagine there are more homeless young people now then before because a lot of them go to college thinking they’ll get rich but end up with no job waiting for them when they come out and a mountain of debt that they can’t hope to pay.

That’s why you don’t study a field created by morons

The reality is the ones that choose STEM fields still face a bottleneck, especially engineering which is being heavily outsourced to Indians and east Asians who will work for far less.

I have a friend who graduated with an engineering degree, with near perfect grades and a few undergrad accolades; he had to go back to study computer science to avoid paying off his exorbitant student loans, because all of prospects he networked for since sophomore year fell through post '08.

The other issue is, while there are some obviously useless degrees, not everyone has the desire or wherewithal to be an engineer, lawyer, doctor, etc. I also saw those types in college who pretty much majoring in whatever their peers or parents thought were useful or safe even though they had no aptitude in it, only to hear from someone that they had a breakdown or stopped attending classes because were overwhelmed. It’s a fight for anyone to compromise between what they’re willing to spend their entire life doing and what’s profitable or viable. Sometimes oversimplifying the situation is an easy way to dismiss a larger problem.

^Fuck that. Before all of these programs existed for the poor, people in the US starved to death when they couldn’t find employment. I still take the hardline stance of pick whatever you need to do in order to survive. A job isn’t for fun, it’s to get what you need to sustain life. If you don’t have the aptitude for the medical field, STEM field, business, or other higher education economically viable fields, then find some blue collar work.

Everyone in this lazy society wants a white collar job, but nobody wants a profession that the white collar jobs are in.

People have to understand that there are two types of jobs: Unskilled Labor and Skilled Labor and if you don’t fall into one of those types then don’t cry about the outcome.

Skilled labor jobs are when you have to ability to do a specific type of labor or you have the ability to tell someone how to perform skilled labor(whether it’s in a classroom or other ways or able to tell people what needs to be done like management).

Unskilled labor is self explanatory, but people with just ANY degree believe that they shouldn’t have to subjugate themselves to something that is not part of their degree. Imo it’s a very privileged stance to have in a society that will pay for you whether you decide to work or accept homelessness because of your ‘pride’.

I’m all for those people you have so much contempt for rising up and killing those sociopathic assholes who have them starve to death, whilst they eat cake.

Fuck that shit.

THAT’S truly arrogant presumption of privilege.

Didn’t see this thread until now.

I really can’t say much in my area. I personally don’t go out as much as I used to, but I haven’t seen any increase. A few of the ones I remembered seeing aren’t there anymore. A new face or two has shown up on the street areas, but few have been anywhere in town. Then again, this is the holiday season, so that too might be part of it.


The amount of shanty towns i see from
The metrolink is staggering

And the homeless don’t want to be put in shelters because they are mentally inept

The shanty towns are a whole other thing.

Like we need programs for these people

everyone looks homeless in FL

shirts are overrated around here…dude just hit up walmart without a shirt :wtf:

Well while shopping for grocerries yesterday I was approached by a lady who lives in a Church ran Homeless shelter for recovering Drug Atticts. She told me her sad story and how the church help people like her etc. So i donated 5 bucks to them. And she even had a counselor there with her. So she wasn’t BSing. I have no problem supporting that. But when I drive to work everyday there are two specific spots where there is a homeless person staked out asking for money.

At the intersection that leads to the interstate. And where I make my turn to head to work. Oh and they are also hanging in the groccery store parking lot at night asking for money. When I was back in Atlanta. I’d ride my bicycle to work and I’d see a lil camp spot where some homeless dudes I guess live. I’ll give those dudes credit though they make an effort to stay clean. There’s a lil stream near by so I assume they bathe and wash their clothes there because I saw a clothes line with clothes on them.

And when I was in New Mexico it seemed to be the worst there in the small town I was in. Even saw one sign that said “Young and Homeless. Went to college and tried to do the right thing and got fucked over with a useless degree that no one will hire me for” And in Alberqurque, I visited downtown where the park is. And I saw several homeless just sleeping right in the grass in the open with lil camps set up.

Shit is crazy man. How does this happen to folks? Like I’m not about to clown anyone that is homeless because I believe 99% of people don’t want or choose to live like that. What circumstances could have fucked someone over so bad that they had no one to turn to for help?

I am homeless, but my mind is a computer that allows me free CPU, GPU and Internet. Hence, how I am posting right now.

It’s cold outside. :sad:


its never cold here

I don’t know how much I will like it in summer…I got here around august and you can’t actually stay outdoors in august/september without DYING.

Just weighing in from my own experiences, but I’ve seen this type of thing happen to mentally ill people, who’ve been forced to take public mental health services for help.

And from what I’ve seen, public mental health in this city is absolute shit.

That bill obama signed for mental health is a good thing

Mental health is a real thing