I have seen a player called Dan use Ryu, Ken and Sagat on a few vids but that is it and Daigo but those are old vids
The reason is cause I want to start using N grrove again as that was my forst groove before I went to K.
I would watch lots of Buktooth vids but I dont really use his chars
Dan uses C groove
Ive never seen daigo use N groove
nuki is one of the best N groovers
FK is okay too i guess
Togawa is also REALLY GOOD, but NUKI is by far the best N Groove player.
OP: I recommend Nuki vids too.
and while he was really fucking good, who the hell else in the world uses Dhalsim or Maki on a competitive level?
Although, if you’re planning on using N Rolento, by all means, watch some of his older N Groove vids.